--- abstract: 'Seven hundred and two high vaginal swab samples of apparently healthy adult females with recurrent vaginal discharge were collected and analyzed at Searchlight Medical Diagnostic Centre, Ekpoma between July 2003 and August 2005. Isolation, identification and antibiogram of isolates were done using standard Microbiological techniques. Randomized Block Design and Completely Randomized Design at (α = 0.1) were used to test the statistical significance of results. While occupational distribution of isolates was not statistically significant, age and response of bacterial isolates to antibiotics used were statistically significant. Total number and percentage prevalence of bacteria isolated include: 297(42.4%) Chromobacterium violaceum, 156 (22.2%) Escherichia coli and 139 (19.8%) Staphylococcus aureus. Chromobacterium violaceum was 81.8% sensitive to ofloxacin, and 12.8% to Ceftriazone. Escherichia coli and S. aureus were 70.5% and 71.9% sensitive to sparfloxacin respectively. Though source of infection of C. violaceum in Ekpoma was not very clear, soil and water contamination and other risk factors were hypothesized. A high index of suspicion is required for diagnosis. Surveillance with improved diagnostic facilities can increase awareness among health care providers on this form of infection. Appropriate systemic antimicrobial therapy to halt progression of infection is mandatory, even when the infection appears to be localized.' altloc: - http://www.ojhas.org/issue21/2007-1-2.htm chapter: ~ commentary: ~ commref: ~ confdates: ~ conference: ~ confloc: ~ contact_email: ~ creators_id: - agwuezera@yahoo.com - '' - '' - '' - '' creators_name: - family: Ezera given: Agwu honourific: '' lineage: '' - family: John Cletus given: Ihongbe honourific: '' lineage: '' - family: Godwin Ray Anugboba given: Okogun honourific: '' lineage: '' - family: Joseph Obiezu Chukwujekwu given: Ezeonwumelu honourific: '' lineage: '' - family: Osamuyime given: Igbinovia honourific: '' lineage: '' date: 2007-07-17 date_type: published datestamp: 2007-09-18 02:41:56 department: ~ dir: disk0/00/00/57/13 edit_lock_since: ~ edit_lock_until: ~ edit_lock_user: ~ editors_id: - Kakkilaya BS editors_name: - family: Kakkilaya given: Srinivas honourific: Dr. lineage: '' eprint_status: archive eprintid: 5713 fileinfo: /style/images/fileicons/application_pdf.png;/5713/2/2007%2D1%2D2.pdf full_text_status: public importid: ~ institution: ~ isbn: ~ ispublished: pub issn: ~ item_issues_comment: [] item_issues_count: 0 item_issues_description: [] item_issues_id: [] item_issues_reported_by: [] item_issues_resolved_by: [] item_issues_status: [] item_issues_timestamp: [] item_issues_type: [] keywords: 'Chromobacterium violaceum, Recurrent vaginal discharge, Ekpoma ' lastmod: 2011-03-11 08:56:57 latitude: ~ longitude: ~ metadata_visibility: show note: ~ number: 1 pagerange: ~ pubdom: TRUE publication: Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences publisher: Dr. B.S. 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