"5776","Sensory innervation of the external and internal genitalia of the female rat","Using a whole-nerve recording method, the genitalia of the female rat were found to receive afferent innervation as follows. Pelvic nerve: vagina, cervix, and perineal skin; hypogastric nerve: cervix and proximal three fifths of the uterus; pudendal nerve: skin of perineum, inner thigh, and clitoral sheath. It is probable that the pudendal and pelvic nerves are activated during copulation, and that all 3 nerves are activated during parturition.","http://cogprints.org/5776/","Peters, Lawrence C. and Kristal, Mark B. and Komisaruk, Barry R.","UNSPECIFIED"," Peters, Lawrence C. and Kristal, Mark B. and Komisaruk, Barry R. (1987) Sensory innervation of the external and internal genitalia of the female rat. [Journal (Paginated)] ",",kristal@buffalo.edu,","1987"