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editor = {Francesca Morganti and Antonella Carassa and Giuseppe Riva},
title = {On the nature and role of intersubjectivity in communication},
author = {Maurizio Tirassa and Francesca M. Bosco},
publisher = {Amsterdam: IOS Press},
year = {2008},
pages = {81--95},
journal = {Enacting intersubjectivity: A cognitive and social perspective to the study of interactions},
keywords = {Intersubjectivity; Communication; Conversation; Dialogue; Language; Pragmatics; Meaning; Mindreading; Sharedness; Common knowledge; Intentionality; Collective intentionality; Theory of mind; Constructivism; Consciousness; Intentionality; Situated cognition; Agency; Phenomenology},
url = {},
abstract = {We outline a theory of human agency and communication and discuss the role that the capability to share (that is, intersubjectivity) plays in it. All the notions discussed are cast in a mentalistic and radically constructivist framework. We also introduce and discuss the relevant literature.}