"622","A connectionist model for categorical perception and symbol grounding","Neural network models of categorical perception can help solve the symbol-grounding problem [Harnad, 1990; 1993] by connecting analog sensory projections to symbolic representations through learned category-invariance detectors in a hybrid symbolic/nonsymbolic system. Our nets learn to categorize and name 50x50 pixel images of circles, ellipses, squares and rectangles projected onto the receptive field of a 7x7 retina. The nets first learn to do prototype matching and then entry-level naming for the four kinds of stimuli, grounding their names directly in the input patterns via hidden-unit representations. Next, a higher-order categorization (symmetric vs. asymmetric) is learned, either directly from the input, as with the entry- level categories, or from combinations of the grounded category names (symbols). We analyze the architectures and input conditions that allow grounding to be \"transferred\" from directly grounded entry-level category names to higher- order category names. Implications of such hybrid models for the evolution and learning of language are discussed.","http://cogprints.org/622/","Greco, Alberto and Cangelosi, Angelo and Harnad, Stevan","UNSPECIFIED"," Greco, Alberto and Cangelosi, Angelo and Harnad, Stevan (1998) A connectionist model for categorical perception and symbol grounding. [Conference Paper] (Unpublished) ","","1998"