"636","Knowledge and Memory: The Real Story","In this essay, we argue that stories about one's experiences, and the experiences of others, are the fundamental constituents of human memory, knowledge, and social communication. This argument includes three propositions: 1) Virtually all human knowledge is based on stories constructed around past experiences; 2) New experiences are interpreted in terms of old stories; 3) The content of story memories depends on whether and how they are told to others, and these reconstituted memories form the basis of the individual's \"remembered\" self\". Further, shared story memories within social groups define particular social selves, which may bolster or compete with individual remembered selves.","http://cogprints.org/636/","Schank, Roger C. and Abelson, Robert P.","Wyer, Robert S"," Schank, Roger C. and Abelson, Robert P. (1995) Knowledge and Memory: The Real Story. [Book Chapter] ","","1995"