This site has been permanently archived. This is a static copy provided by the University of Southampton.
abstract: 'Ingestion of amniotic fluid or placenta by rats has been shown to enhance opioid-mediated analgesia induced by morphine injection, foot shock, vaginal/cervical stimulation, or late pregnancy. The present study was designed to determine whether this mechanism might be a means of providing greater analgesia during the periparturitional period without contributing to the disruption of maternal behavior (measured primarily as retrieval) that can result from excessive opioid levels. Postpartum primiparous rats, injected with either 2 or 3 mg/kg morphine sulfate or vehicle and given orogastric infusions of either amniotic fluid or saline, were tested for maternal behavior. Pain threshold (determined by tail-flick latency test) in rats injected with 2 mg/kg morphine and infused with amniotic fluid was elevated to a level that did not differ significantly from that of a separate group of rats injected with 3 mg/kg morphine and infused with saline. This enhanced analgesia was not, however, accompanied by the significant disruption of maternal behavior found among the rats receiving the higher morphine dose.'
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- family: Tarapacki
given: J. A.
honourific: ''
lineage: ''
- family: Piech
given: M.
honourific: ''
lineage: ''
- family: Kristal
given: M. B.
honourific: ''
lineage: ''
date: 1995
date_type: published
datestamp: 1998-11-14
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item_issues_status: []
item_issues_timestamp: []
item_issues_type: []
keywords: 'parturition, POEF, maternal behavior, placentophagia, pain, antinociception, analgesia, amniotic fluid, opioids, morphine, pregnancy, postpartum, tail-flick latency'
lastmod: 2011-03-11 08:53:39
latitude: ~
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metadata_visibility: show
note: ~
number: 2
pagerange: 209-212
pubdom: FALSE
publication: Physiology & Behavior
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rev_number: 8
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status_changed: 2007-09-12 16:22:43
- behav-neuro-sci
- behav-neuro-sci
- bio-behav
- comp-psy
- neuro-chem
- neuro-endocrin
- neuro-pharm
- physio-psy
- psy-bio
succeeds: ~
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title: Ingestion of amniotic fluid by postpartum rats enhances morphine antinociception without liability to maternal behavior
type: journalp
userid: 88
volume: 57