"6957","Correlation between subtalar varus angle and disability in patients with patellofemoral arthritis","Aim: To find the correlation between subtalar varus angle & disability in patients with patellofemoral arthritis. Methods: A total of 30 subjects aged (48.86±5.74) referred to the department of physiotherapy, with patellofemoral arthritis and fulfilling the criteria of inclusion were recruited for the study, sampling method being convenient sampling. Disability score was measured of each patient by WOMAC index (Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Index of Osteoarthritis) disability questionnaire and subtalar varus angle was measured in non weight bearing position in prone lying. Results: Pearson’s correlation coefficient test showed a highly significant (p=0.000) positive correlation (r=0.821) between disability scores and subtalar varus angle. Conclusion: There is a highly significant relation between disabilities due to patellofemoral pain in patellofemoral arthritis patients and sub talar varus angle.","http://cogprints.org/6957/","Patel, BJ and Shankar, G","Kakkilaya, Dr Srinivas"," Patel, BJ and Shankar, G (2009) Correlation between subtalar varus angle and disability in patients with patellofemoral arthritis. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)] ",",gshank2008@gmail.com","2009-11-15"