"7005","TV Viewing versus Play - Trends and Impact on Obesity","A cross sectional descriptive study was conducted involving 10000 students from randomly selected government and private schools of Amritsar district to identify the trends of TV viewing and playing in school children aged 5 years and above, to compare TV viewing in both sexes, different age groups and urban versus rural children and to study the impact of TV viewing and playing on obesity in children. The results showed that TV viewing has replaced outdoor playing in most children, irrespective of age, sex and residence. A positive relation between TV viewing and obesity was also documented.","http://cogprints.org/7005/","Sodhi, MK","Kakkilaya, Dr Srinivas"," Sodhi, MK (2010) TV Viewing versus Play - Trends and Impact on Obesity. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)] ","doctor.manmeet@yahoo.com","2010-07-30"