creators_name: Duch, Wlodzislaw editors_name: Tan, Ai-Girl type: bookchapter datestamp: 2011-05-02 15:54:22 lastmod: 2011-05-02 15:54:22 metadata_visibility: show title: Creativity and the Brain ispublished: pub subjects: neuro-ling subjects: comp-sci-lang subjects: comp-sci-art-intel full_text_status: public keywords: creativity, computational creativity, neurocognitive informatics, neural basis of language, priming abstract: Neurocognitive approach to higher cognitive functions that bridges the gap between psychological and neural level of description is introduced. Relevant facts about the brain, working memory and representation of symbols in the brain are summarized. Putative brain processes responsible for problem solving, intuition, skill learning and automatization are described. The role of non-dominant brain hemisphere in solving problems requiring insight is conjectured. 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