creators_name: Baianu, I.C, creators_name: Poli, Roberto creators_id: icb type: preprint datestamp: 2011-12-16 00:59:10 lastmod: 2011-12-16 00:59:10 metadata_visibility: show title: From Simple to Complex and Ultra-complex Systems: A Paradigm Shift Towards Non-Abelian Systems Dynamics ispublished: unpub subjects: bio-socio subjects: cog-psy subjects: comp-sci-complex-theory subjects: comp-sci-lang subjects: comp-sci-mach-dynam-sys subjects: phil-logic subjects: phil-mind subjects: phil-sci full_text_status: public keywords: simple, complex and supercomlpex systems,categoryn theory framework, non-Abelian paradigm shift, the theory of levels of reality, abstract: Atoms, molecules, organisms distinguish layers of reality because of the causal links that govern their behavior, both horizontally (atom-atom, molecule-molecule, organism-organism) and vertically (atom-molecule-organism). This is the first intuition of the theory of levels. 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