"8177","Malignancy in oral lichen planus: a review of a group from the Malaysian population","The objective of this study was to determine the socio-demography (age, race and gender) of a group of Malaysian patients who were diagnosed as suffering from oral lichen planus (OLP). The occurrence of malignancy was also investigated. A total of 77 clinical and biopsy records of patients with OLP were studied. Females were affected more than males, with the female to male ratio being 2:1. Middle-aged Indian and Chinese females tend to be affected by OLP when compared with the rest of the population. Only 19 patients returned for further follow-up. One adult Indian female with a six-year history of lichenoid reaction showed the presence of malignancy.","http://cogprints.org/8177/","Ngeow, Dr. W.C.","UNSPECIFIED"," Ngeow, Dr. W.C. (2002) Malignancy in oral lichen planus: a review of a group from the Malaysian population. [Journal (Paginated)] ","ngeowy@um.edu.my","2002-06"