"8744","PHYSICAL THERAPIST´S ROLE AT SÃO CARLOS SENIOR UNIVERSITY","Elderly programs have been applied by the state, private or mixed initiatives to promote and assess a healthy aging process. Among the programs the movement for the University of the Third Age that aims to promote health assessment, improvement on quality of life and continuous education are highlighted. This paper discusses the experience of the São Carlos Open University of Third Age (named UATI), especially the physical therapist role in these universities context, and physical training of elderly based on transdisciplinary work. The physical therapist role in this environment is valued after a change in focus to aim prevention, maintenance and improvement of physical conditions of the elderly. Pilot study results led to the development of a group therapy program to meet the reported needs of UATI São Carlos. This experience is described and commented in view of the benefits in reported quality of life. It represents an alternative to the elderly health attention and a viable approach intervention for professionals. The interactions within the public and private nature of this hybrid program were also discussed, with a view to inclusion, accessibility and comparison with other public program.","http://cogprints.org/8744/","Castro, Dr PC","UNSPECIFIED"," Castro, Dr PC (2012) PHYSICAL THERAPIST´S ROLE AT SÃO CARLOS SENIOR UNIVERSITY. [Preprint] ","paula.costacastro@gmail.com","2012-11-19"