creators_name: Richardson, Daniel creators_name: Spivey, Michael editors_name: Mehler, Jacques type: journalp datestamp: 2000-07-28 lastmod: 2011-03-11 08:54:21 metadata_visibility: show title: Representation, space and Hollywood Squares: Looking at things that aren't there anymore ispublished: pub subjects: behav-neuro-sci subjects: cog-psy subjects: percep-cog-psy full_text_status: public keywords: Memory; Eye movements; Visual attention; Spatial representation; Embodiment abstract: It has been argued that the human cognitive system is capable of using spatial indexes or oculomotor coordinates to relieve working memory load (Ballard, Hayhoe, Pook & Rao, 1997) track multiple moving items through occlusion (Scholl & Pylyshyn, 1999) or link incompatible cognitive and sensorimotor codes (Bridgeman and Huemer, 1998). Here we examine the use of such spatial information in memory for semantic information. Previous research has often focused on the role of task demands and the level of automaticity in the encoding of spatial location in memory tasks. We present five experiments where location is irrelevant to the task, and participants' encoding of spatial information is measured implicitly by their looking behavior during recall. In a paradigm developed from Spivey and Geng (submitted), participants were presented with pieces of auditory, semantic information as part of an event occurring in one of four regions of a computer screen. In front of a blank grid, they were asked a question relating to one of those facts. Under certain conditions it was found that during the question period participants made significantly more saccades to the empty region of space where the semantic information had been previously presented. Our findings are discussed in relation to previous research on memory and spatial location, the dorsal and ventral streams of the visual system, and the notion of a cognitive-perceptual system using spatial indexes to exploit the stability of the external world. date: 2000-09 date_type: published publication: Cognition volume: 76 number: 3 publisher: Elsevier Science pagerange: 269-295 refereed: TRUE referencetext: Allopenna, P. D., Magnuson, J. S. & Tanenhaus, M. K., (1998). Tracking the time course of spoken word recognition using eye movements: Evidence for continuous mapping models. Journal of Memory and Language. 38(4), 419-439 Althoff, R. R., & Cohen, N.J., (1999) Eye-movement-based memory effect: A reprocessing effect in face perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 25(4), 997-1010. Andrade, J. & Meudell, P. (1993). Short report: Is spatial information encoded automatically in memory? 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