creators_name: Singh, Jyoti creators_name: Joshi, Nisheeth creators_name: Mathur, Iti creators_id: creators_id: creators_id: type: journalp datestamp: 2013-11-18 21:01:58 lastmod: 2013-11-18 21:01:58 metadata_visibility: show title: Part of Speech Tagging of Marathi Text Using Trigram Method ispublished: pub subjects: comp-sci-art-intel subjects: ling-comput full_text_status: public keywords: marathi, modeling, n-gram, of, part, speech, stochastic, tagging abstract: In this paper we present a Marathi part of speech tagger. It is a morphologically rich language. It is spoken by the native people of Maharashtra. The general approach used for development of tagger is statistical using trigram Method. The main concept of trigram is to explore the most likely POS for a token based on given information of previous two tags by calculating probabilities to determine which is the best sequence of a tag. In this paper we show the development of the tagger. Moreover we have also shown the evaluation done. date: 2013-04 date_type: published publication: International Journal of Advanced Information Technology volume: 3 number: 2 pagerange: 35-41 refereed: TRUE citation: Singh, Jyoti and Joshi, Nisheeth and Mathur, Iti (2013) Part of Speech Tagging of Marathi Text Using Trigram Method. [Journal (Paginated)] document_url: