creators_name: McDowell, Maxson J creators_id: editors_name: Callebaut, Werner editors_id: Editor in chief type: journalp datestamp: 2013-11-18 21:00:21 lastmod: 2013-11-18 21:00:21 metadata_visibility: show title: Autism’s direct cause? Failure of infant-mother eye contact in a complex adaptive system ispublished: pub subjects: bio-theory subjects: dev-psy subjects: neuro-psy full_text_status: public keywords: Autism spectrum disorder Complexity Complex dynamic system Eye contact Face recognition Infant-mother dyad Intersubjectivity Oxytocin Self-organized Television Smart phones abstract: This paper shows that an experimental hypothesis is plausible and merits testing. In brief the hypothesis is that autism begins with a failure in early learning and that changing the environment of early learning would dramatically change its incidence. Strong statistical evidence supporting this hypothesis was published by Waldman et al. 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