"9812","A Theory of General Reduction of Gene-Expression Manifesting as Autism (1993 with 2014 revisions of presentation)","This paper was originally written for a very different audience around 25 years ago, since when a great deal has changed both in autism research and in the wider world. Thus there was no mention of mercury (of which I knew almost nothing at the time) or of the autism increase (of which no-one else knew much either back then). And also I have become much more experienced in writing than back then. And paper-printed journals were very hostile to “excessive” length such that at least one paragraph got rather more squashed than I am happy to see it now. So for these reasons I am making some minor changes to the writing, which do not change the actual content or meaning but which make for a better reading experience. For the convenience of cynics I will list all those changes at the end. In addition I am adding in some update notes in the text, indicated thus: [2014 Update: blah blah...]","http://cogprints.org/9812/","Clarke, Robin P","UNSPECIFIED"," Clarke, Robin P (2014) A Theory of General Reduction of Gene-Expression Manifesting as Autism (1993 with 2014 revisions of presentation). [Journal (Paginated)] ","rpclarke[at]autismcauses.info","2014-12-11"