"9824","Health Status of Padia Workers in Slums of a Taluka Headquarters in Gujarat","Background: ‘Padia’ is cup or plate made from paper. A cross-sectional study was carried out in 3 slum areas of Petlad town of Anand district in Gujarat state to describe the socio-economic and health status of the Padia workers using a pretested questionnaire. Results: 68.5% of the study participants were male. Only 27.6 % persons were educated upto higher secondary school and none beyond. There was no worker below 14 years of age.74 % work at their residence. Most of them spend about eight hours for the ‘Padia’ making work over and above their household job. Addictions were present in more than 1/3rd of workers. Musculoskeletal problem was commonest health problem. 18(12.1%) had experienced work place related injuries accidents. None of the workers used any protective devices. Conclusion: Padia workers have several health issues including occupation related health hazards. Need exists for a participatory occupational health programme for this working population.","http://cogprints.org/9824/","Kumar, D and Varun, A and Shah, U and Singh, US","Kakkilaya, Dr Srinivas"," Kumar, D and Varun, A and Shah, U and Singh, US (2014) Health Status of Padia Workers in Slums of a Taluka Headquarters in Gujarat. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)] ","drdineshkl@charutarhealth.org,,,","2014-08-30"