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On Modelling and Analysis of Dynamic Reconfiguration of Dependable Real-Time Systems

Mazzara, Manuel and Bhattacharyya, Anirban On Modelling and Analysis of Dynamic Reconfiguration of Dependable Real-Time Systems. Technical Report. Newcastle University.

PDF - Submitted Version


This paper motivates the need for a formalism for the modelling and analysis of dynamic reconfiguration of dependable real-time systems. We present requirements that the formalism must meet, and use these to evaluate well-established formalisms and two process algebras that we have been developing.

Item Type:Monograph (Technical Report)
Subjects:Methodology > Real-time systems
ID Code:155
Deposited By:Dr. Manuel Mazzara
Deposited On:12 Mar 2010 21:25
Last Modified:19 Apr 2010 16:05

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