"331","Event-B Projects DSAOCSSv002 and DSAOCSSV003 with Special Files for ProB Classic","Each archive contains: (i) an Event-B model of the mode synchronization protocol specified at http://deploy-eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/309/ , and (ii) a corresponding ProB Classic model, including files for associated LTL formulas and preferred usage configuration. The Event-B project DSAOCSSv002 is hopefully correct in the case where the system has only two managers and only two modes. The Event-B project DSAOCSSv003 is hopefully correct whenever the system has only two managers and at least two modes.","http://deploy-eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/331/","Varpaaniemi, Kimmo","UNSPECIFIED"," Varpaaniemi, Kimmo (2011) Event-B Projects DSAOCSSv002 and DSAOCSSV003 with Special Files for ProB Classic. [Rodin Archive] ","","2011-09-03"