"360","Scaling Event-B to industrial applications: the role of formal design decomposition (Industry Paper)","In this talk we report on scaling methodological and tool support of a formal method to size of problems relevant to industrial users. The report is based on the experience of the ICT Deploy project - a research project where a number of academic and industrial partners work together on advancing the agenda of formal modelling in the industrial setting. We present a summary of developments conducted by industrial users, the problems they have faced compiling requirements, building models, doing formal proofs and their views on the return form the investment in formal modelling training. In particular, we will focus on the transitions from initial, small-scale, feasibility studies to larger, realistic, developments and the challenges thus uncovered.","http://deploy-eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/360/","Iliasov, Alexei and Romanovsky, Alexander","UNSPECIFIED"," Iliasov, Alexei and Romanovsky, Alexander (2011) Scaling Event-B to industrial applications: the role of formal design decomposition (Industry Paper). In: 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Nov 29 - Dec 2, 2011, Hiroshima, Japan. ","\"Alexei Iliasov\" ,alexander.romanovsky@ncl.ac.uk","2011"