Karen Woods, Author at Digital Humanities Digital Humanities Mon, 14 Apr 2014 16:01:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 18th century letters from Jamaica posted online give new insights into slavery https://digitalhumanities.soton.ac.uk/blog/1170 Mon, 15 Oct 2012 13:16:22 +0000 http://digitalhumanities.soton.ac.uk/?p=1170 Historian and Senior Lecturer Dr Christer Petley has used digital technology to create an online teaching and research resource about slavery in the British Caribbean in the 18th century. Slavery and Revolution showcases the letters of a wealthy and powerful landowner in Jamaica. The website uses a blogging format to explore the world of Simon Taylor (1738-1813), a slaveholder and …

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New tricks for old masters https://digitalhumanities.soton.ac.uk/blog/1012 Mon, 30 Apr 2012 21:42:58 +0000 https://digitalhumanities.soton.ac.uk/?p=1012 What’s the connection between fine art and digital technologies? The University’s Kirk Martinez has been telling me about his years of work with the world’s most famous art galleries such as the Uffizi, the National Gallery and the V&A. His quest has been to find ways of producing the best-possible images of artworks through sophisticated scanning technology. It all started …

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Verily, forsooth – Shakespeare enters the digital world, stage left https://digitalhumanities.soton.ac.uk/blog/664 Wed, 21 Mar 2012 23:20:31 +0000 https://digitalhumanities.soton.ac.uk/?p=664 If you liked the Hollywood movie Shakespeare in Love, you might want to find out more about theatres and society in London in those days. A colleague at the University of Southampton is behind an exciting online project that makes a wealth of documentary evidence freely available for the first time, thanks to an international research project funded by the …

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Ancient and modern. Digital ways of learning about a medieval town https://digitalhumanities.soton.ac.uk/blog/472 Sun, 18 Mar 2012 18:40:46 +0000 https://digitalhumanities.soton.ac.uk/?p=472 I met an enthusiast for using digital technology to bring medieval literature and culture to wider audiences, who has joined us in Humanities at Southampton. Professor of English Catherine Clarke is helping local people and visitors understand more aboutChesterin medieval times – through digital mapping tools and new media. “The town has always celebrated its Roman history, and now we’re …

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Employing social media to bring a new buzz to archaeological computing https://digitalhumanities.soton.ac.uk/blog/172 Thu, 08 Mar 2012 23:44:58 +0000 https://www.dh.soton.ac.uk/?p=172 International delegates at this month’s Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA2012) conference at Southampton (26-29 March) will be encouraged to use a wide range of social media applications to make the most of the event. Up to 500 people involved in archaeology from academics across the disciplines including computer science and engineering to museum staff and commercial partners will …

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Languages South East https://digitalhumanities.soton.ac.uk/blog/474 Thu, 01 Mar 2012 20:03:05 +0000 https://digitalhumanities.soton.ac.uk/?p=474 The Modern Languages team at the University of Southampton work with school teachers to help them banish boring lessons by adding a touch of digital magic. I caught up with them spreading the word about technology at a conference a few months ago, listen here to my podcast. You can catch up with what they’re doing now at www.languagessoutheast.ac.uk

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Au revoir to boring language lessons! https://digitalhumanities.soton.ac.uk/blog/517 Mon, 27 Feb 2012 20:12:01 +0000 https://digitalhumanities.soton.ac.uk/?p=517 Switched-on modern language teachers in the south east and beyond are using digital technology to make lessons more inspiring for their pupils – thanks to an initiative from the University of Southampton and ICT guru Joe Dale*. A pioneering ICT and Languages conference at the University in 2011 inspired many school teachers to use digital technologies to enhance their lessons …

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New DH lecturer – Leif Isaksen https://digitalhumanities.soton.ac.uk/blog/460 Thu, 23 Feb 2012 18:30:38 +0000 https://digitalhumanities.soton.ac.uk/?p=460 Challenges lie ahead for all academics as digital technologies bring innovative ways of working and spreading research findings to the wider world. Dr Leif Isaksen has joined the Faculty of Humanities at Southampton as Lecturer in Digital Humanities. He is working across the disciplines to highlight potential opportunities, bring people together and support initiatives. “Digital technology is a broad concept, …

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