{"id":847,"date":"2012-02-09T20:02:44","date_gmt":"2012-02-09T20:02:44","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/digitalhumanities.soton.ac.uk\/?p=847"},"modified":"2014-04-14T15:45:02","modified_gmt":"2014-04-14T15:45:02","slug":"workshop-on-3d-heritage-on-the-mobile-web-part-one","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/digitalhumanities.soton.ac.uk\/blog\/847","title":{"rendered":"Workshop on 3D Heritage on the mobile web – Part One"},"content":{"rendered":"

The workshop took place on the 7th<\/sup> of February at the University of Brighton and was organised as part of the 3D services on the Mobile Web project by members of the 3D-COFORM. This research project is funded by the European Community\u2019s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7\/2007-2013) and aims \u2018to establish 3D documentation as an affordable, practical and effective mechanism for long term documentation of tangible cultural heritage\u2019. (for more information visit the project\u2019s website at http:\/\/www.3d-coform.eu\/)<\/p>\n

Details of the workshop are at:\u00a0http:\/\/culturalinformatics.org.uk\/?q=3dmobilewebworkshop<\/a><\/p>\n

An introductory speech about the aims and structure of the workshop as well as the state of the art in mobile technologies was held by Karina Rodriguez-Echavarria from the University of Brighton.<\/p>\n

Workshop schedule:<\/h3>\n
  1. Presentations from 3D-COFORM partners<\/li>\n
  2. Hands on activity for the participants: brainstorming and discussing 4 possible scenarios of 3D mobile applications for cultural heritage.<\/li>\n
  3. Discussion chaired by David Arnold<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n


    Some highlights of Karina\u2019s talk are listed below:<\/p>\n