AKT EPrint Archive

Open-source Tools for Creation, Maintenance, and Storage of Lexical Resources for Language Generation from Ontologies

Bontcheva, Dr Kalina (2004) Open-source Tools for Creation, Maintenance, and Storage of Lexical Resources for Language Generation from Ontologies. In Proceedings Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'2004), Lisbon, Portugal.

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This paper describes reusable, open-source tools for creation, maintenance, storage, and access of Language Resources (LR) needed for generating natural language texts from ontologies. One advantage of these tools is that they provide a user-friendly interface for NLG LR manipulation. They also provide unified models for accessing NLG lexicons and mappings between lexicons and ontologies.

Subjects:AKT Challenges > Knowledge publishing
ID Code:311
Deposited By:Bontcheva, Dr Kalina
Deposited On:04 June 2004

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