Team Members Archive - REGHID ReGHID - Redressing Gendered Health Inequalities of Displaced Women and Girls in Contexts of Protracted Crisis in Central and South America Tue, 27 Sep 2022 17:43:56 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Team Members Archive - REGHID 32 32 Advisory Board Thu, 25 Feb 2021 11:47:09 +0000 Members of Advisory Board: Jenyel Contreras (FLACSO/Costa Rica), Laura Laski (former officer at United Nations Population Fund/UNFPA, and Lancet Commissioner), Jose Miranda (Senior Officer at Central American Council of Ministers of Health/COMISCA, El Salvador), Gulnar Azevedo (President of Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva/ABRASCO, Brazil), Loic Jaeger (Executive Director of Médecins Sans Frontières for Mexico and […]

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Members of Advisory Board: Jenyel Contreras (FLACSO/Costa Rica), Laura Laski (former officer at United Nations Population Fund/UNFPA, and Lancet Commissioner), Jose Miranda (Senior Officer at Central American Council of Ministers of Health/COMISCA, El Salvador), Gulnar Azevedo (President of Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva/ABRASCO, Brazil), Loic Jaeger (Executive Director of Médecins Sans Frontières for Mexico and America Central) y Lesbia Gutierrez (IPAS).

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Mónica Alexandra Linares Laínez Wed, 15 Dec 2021 18:42:31 +0000 Mónica is the Principal Investigator of FLACSO El Salvador’s team for ReGHID. She is a sociologist from the University of the Ozarks and holds a master’s degree in Political and Social Studies from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She is a researcher at FLACSO El Salvador since 2013. She has also been a […]

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Mónica is the Principal Investigator of FLACSO El Salvador’s team for ReGHID. She is a sociologist from the University of the Ozarks and holds a master’s degree in Political and Social Studies from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She is a researcher at FLACSO El Salvador since 2013. She has also been a professor for the University of El Salvador and for the Department of Sociology and Political Sciences of the Central American University “José Simeón Cañas” (UCA), and has been a thesis advisor for the Department of Psychology and Public Health of the UCA.

She has participated in national, regional and international research projects and has coordinated research teams on topics such as: violence, perception of citizen security, food security, pregnancy and forced motherhood in girls and adolescents, among others, for national government institutions, United Nations agencies and other regional and international organizations. She has also investigated on social exclusion and youth; and has published on the topics of: violence in the educational environment, elections in El Salvador 2019, homicidal violence in El Salvador, and the situation and conditions of adolescents and women victims-perpetrators of violence in El Salvador.

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Henry Oswaldo Garcia Estrada Wed, 15 Dec 2021 18:46:50 +0000 Henry is a researcher of FLACSO El Salvador’s team for ReGHID. He is a sociologist, and has been a member of the research team at FLACSO El Salvador since 2019. He is also professor of General Sociology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of El Salvador (UES) during the year 2021. He has […]

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Henry is a researcher of FLACSO El Salvador’s team for ReGHID. He is a sociologist, and has been a member of the research team at FLACSO El Salvador since 2019. He is also professor of General Sociology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of El Salvador (UES) during the year 2021.

He has participated in research projects on secondary education, design of a system of labour market indicators, and determinants of homicidal violence in Central America.

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Marielos Rodriguez Cornejo Wed, 15 Dec 2021 18:43:53 +0000 Marielos is a researcher of FLACSO El Salvador’s team for ReGHID. She is a Sociocultural Anthropologist, graduated from the University of El Salvador, motivated to work in promoting respect and guarantee of Human Rights and whose interest is oriented to the realisation of research that generates some contribution to social transformation. Marielos has experience in […]

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Marielos is a researcher of FLACSO El Salvador’s team for ReGHID. She is a Sociocultural Anthropologist, graduated from the University of El Salvador, motivated to work in promoting respect and guarantee of Human Rights and whose interest is oriented to the realisation of research that generates some contribution to social transformation.

Marielos has experience in the field of social research in relation to various social issues and problems such as: inclusion; disability; cultural and bio-cultural heritage; security and justice system; deprivation of liberty; children and adolescents with referents in deprivation of liberty (NNAPES); protective and risk factors for children; and adolescence and youth in community spaces.

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Ugo Ramos Castillo Fri, 12 Jun 2020 10:06:23 +0000 Ugo Ramos Castillo is the Regional Sub-Coordinator for Health and Migration for Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras by the International Organization for Migration (IOM).  Ugo received his PhD in Medicine and Surgery from Alberto Masferrer University in El Salvador, and a MBA from the Instituto Superior de Economía y Administración de Empresas in El Salvador. […]

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Ugo Ramos Castillo is the Regional Sub-Coordinator for Health and Migration for Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras by the International Organization for Migration (IOM).  Ugo received his PhD in Medicine and Surgery from Alberto Masferrer University in El Salvador, and a MBA from the Instituto Superior de Economía y Administración de Empresas in El Salvador. He received his project management qualification from the Project Management Institute, Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas (UCA).

Ugo has more than 20 years of experience working nationally and internationally in Public Health Management, 15 years working with vulnerable populations, 15 years in design, monitoring and evaluation of health and development processes and more than 5 years working with migrant populations. Ugo has experience of working with international organizations, the United Nations, Governments of El Salvador and Panama and in the private sector in the health and development areas.

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Pia Riggirozzi Wed, 10 Jun 2020 10:24:16 +0000 Pia Riggirozzi is Professor of Global Politics at the University of Southampton, UK. She has expertise in political economy of development and health governance in Latin America, with a background in qualitative research and experience leading international, multi-institutional MRC and ESRC-DfID funded research in South America and Southern Africa. Her research interests include political economy […]

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Pia Riggirozzi is Professor of Global Politics at the University of Southampton, UK. She has expertise in political economy of development and health governance in Latin America, with a background in qualitative research and experience leading international, multi-institutional MRC and ESRC-DfID funded research in South America and Southern Africa. Her research interests include political economy of development, global health, rights-based approaches to health and welfare, regional governance in Latin America.

Pia has published in academic journals such as Development and Change, New Political Economy, International Affairs, Economy and Society, and Review of International Studies, as well as policy outlets such as The Lancet Migration. She is currently working on an MRC funded project on gendered health inequalities, poverty and the challenges of inclusive development in Brazil (Engaging Users for Quality Enhancement and Rights (EU QUERO): Strengthening the maternal and child healthcare system over the first 1000 days in Brazil) and is Principal Investigator in the ReGHID project.



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Andrew ‘Amos’ Channon Tue, 09 Jun 2020 08:42:57 +0000 Andrew ‘Amos’ Channon is an Associate Professor of Demography in the Department of Social Statistics and Demography. His broad area of research is access to healthcare in low and middle incomes countries, studying the inequalities between population groups and focusing on groups that are being left behind. The main focus of his research is women […]

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Andrew ‘Amos’ Channon is an Associate Professor of Demography in the Department of Social Statistics and Demography. His broad area of research is access to healthcare in low and middle incomes countries, studying the inequalities between population groups and focusing on groups that are being left behind. The main focus of his research is women and children, understanding inequalities in maternal and child health and healthcare, alongside people with disabilities. He is a quantitative researcher, using qualitative research when statistics do not portray the full picture of a situation.

Amos has published in a wide range of journals on a range of topics, and is currently co-leading a MRC/Newton Funded project (with the Brazilian funder, CONFAP) studying the feasibility of an intervention in two states of Brazil to improve knowledge of the health system by women and communities as well as improving access to services through a rights based intervention, using Community Health Workers as the catalyst for change, EU QUERO. He is also involved in a GCRF project on prostheses in Cambodia, working with an international NGO to understand inequalities in treatment at clinics that fit and repair prostheses.

On the REGHID project Amos will be working on the surveys, especially focusing on the survey in El Salvador that aims to capture the sexual and reproductive health and rights on women who have returned to the country after displacement. He will also be conducting secondary analyses of data from the region to understand further about migration, gender and access to health care for sexual and reproductive health.

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Sarah Neal Mon, 08 Jun 2020 10:24:15 +0000 Sarah is an Associate Professor in Global Health with interests in maternal, neonatal, child and reproductive health in low and middle income countries. Originally trained as a nurse before studying social policy and social research at the Universities of Bristol and Bath. Sarah worked on a number of public health programmes in developing countries (and […]

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Sarah is an Associate Professor in Global Health with interests in maternal, neonatal, child and reproductive health in low and middle income countries.

Originally trained as a nurse before studying social policy and social research at the Universities of Bristol and Bath. Sarah worked on a number of public health programmes in developing countries (and particularly in fragile states), and also spent time as a UK-based advisor with the UK Department for International Development. After completing her PhD on the determinants of neonatal mortality in developing countries at Southampton University in 2009, she worked on the Atlas of Birth Maternal Health Advocacy Project with the Universities of Southampton and Aberdeen and the White Ribbon Alliance. Prior to her appointment as lecturer, Sarah held a British Academy postdoctoral fellowship researching motherhood in very young adolescents (under 16 years) in developing countries.

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David Owen Sun, 07 Jun 2020 10:17:34 +0000 David Owen is Professor of Social and Political Philosophy at the University of Southampton. His research interests run widely across issues of migration and refuge, democratic theory, global justice and theories of power. His most recent book What do we owe to refugees? (Polity Press, 2020) offers a normative reconstruction of the institution of refugeehood in […]

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David Owen is Professor of Social and Political Philosophy at the University of Southampton. His research interests run widely across issues of migration and refuge, democratic theory, global justice and theories of power. His most recent book What do we owe to refugees? (Polity Press, 2020) offers a normative reconstruction of the institution of refugeehood in terms of the conditions of legitimacy of the international state order that aims to underscore the purpose and value of the international refugee regime.

David’s current research projects focus on issues of justification and vindication in ethics and political philosophy, and on the relationship of global justice and global migration governance. He is particularly interested in issues concerning the design of migration governance in ways that integrate political justice arguments with theories of goods (public, private, club, common pool resources) of epistemic justice and of democratic inclusion.

In the first semester of 2020-21 David will be SSS Visiting Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. He has previously been Visiting Professor in Philosophy and in Social and Political Sciences at the J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt. He is co-editor of the Critical Powers book series for Manchester University Press and of Citizenship Transitions for Palgrave Macmillan and also serves on the editorial/advisory boards of European Journal of Political Theory, Journal of Nietzsche Studies, Max Weber Studies, Political Studies and Political Studies Review. For further details, please see David Owen UoS page.

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Sarahí Rueda-Salazar Sat, 06 Jun 2020 15:10:36 +0000 Sarahí is Research Fellow for the ReGHID Project at the University of Southampton. Her research interests include in general epidemiology and public health, statistical methods for health research, social determinants of healthy years and life expectancies in older adult population, cognitive impairment and regional disparities among European and Latin American countries. She is trained in […]

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Sarahí is Research Fellow for the ReGHID Project at the University of Southampton. Her research interests include in general epidemiology and public health, statistical methods for health research, social determinants of healthy years and life expectancies in older adult population, cognitive impairment and regional disparities among European and Latin American countries.

She is trained in statistical demography in an international framework. Sarahí attended several advanced training courses at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Rostock, Germany); CELADE- Population Division of Economic Commission for Latin America and Caribbean (ECLAC-UN, Chile) and at Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Venezuela). She also attended the European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD) at Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy). After completing her PhD on Health conditions in older adult population in Europe and Latin America at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) in 2019, she worked as Professor Associated at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Faculty of Social and Policy sciences) and as Research Fellow at Centre for Demographic Studies (Democare project) in Barcelona (Spain). She also has expertise in survey and census implementation since she worked as planner and data analyst for 5 years at National Statistical Office (Venezuela).

On ReGHID Project, Sarahí is working with Amos Channon, developing the survey implementation for returnees’ women and adolescent girls in Centro American countries (El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras) and conducting secondary data analyses based on SRH needs between both migratory corridors.

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