{"id":101,"date":"2018-11-09T00:33:39","date_gmt":"2018-11-09T00:33:39","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/?p=101"},"modified":"2018-11-09T00:33:39","modified_gmt":"2018-11-09T00:33:39","slug":"u-s-defaults-to-denmark","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/2018\/11\/09\/u-s-defaults-to-denmark\/","title":{"rendered":"U.S. Defaults to Denmark"},"content":{"rendered":"

September 11 2001<\/a><\/b><\/p>\n

Gershwin’s gay garish Gotham
\ntoday has joined the ranks
\nof Gaia’s tragicopoles,
\nLondon, Dresden, Gdansk<\/p>\n

for evermore.<\/p>\n

An unhallowed razor,
\nso savagely,<\/p>\n

into the apple`s core.<\/p>\n

But please,<\/p>\n

spare us the braying
\nof the semioticians of symmetry.<\/p>\n

Let them stay huddled,
\nin Zeno’s corner,
\non the etymology and etiology
\nthe means\/ends mission statements
\nof “horror,” and “counterhorror,”
\nlateral, collateral, and full frontal,
\nthe feudal bloodline
\nof our selfish genes,
\neven unto the Big Bang,<\/p>\n

while we chew instead
\non whether high-tech sociopathy
\nand low-tech superstition
\nwere indeed always slated
\nto win the day,
\nin life’s no-sin, no-sum
\nof Gaussian roulette.<\/p>\n

Coda: Homage to William of Ockham<\/b>
\n(Or, The Hazards of Passive Exposure To Involuntary Co-Martyrdom)<\/i>
\n(Or, Trumping Pascal’s Wager)<\/i><\/p>\n

our forebears had it right
\nthe fewer gods the better
\nmonody just undershot
\nthe optimum by
\none <\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

September 11 2001 Gershwin’s gay garish Gotham today has joined the ranks of Gaia’s tragicopoles, London, Dresden, Gdansk for evermore. An unhallowed razor, thrust, so savagely, into the apple`s core. But please, spare us the braying of the semioticians of symmetry. Let them stay huddled, paretically, in Zeno’s corner, ruminating, endlessly, on the etymology and … <\/p>\n