{"id":171,"date":"2018-12-23T16:02:26","date_gmt":"2018-12-23T16:02:26","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/?p=171"},"modified":"2018-12-23T16:02:26","modified_gmt":"2018-12-23T16:02:26","slug":"gaussian-roulette-or-the-millennium-of-the-malice-of-the-malcontents","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/2018\/12\/23\/gaussian-roulette-or-the-millennium-of-the-malice-of-the-malcontents\/","title":{"rendered":"Gaussian Roulette, Or The Millennium of the Malice of the Malcontents"},"content":{"rendered":"

Going postal has been enfranchised, technologically “empowered.” Now anyone with a grievance, righteous or wrongful, can register his displeasure with a vengeance, on a scale unprecedented, unimagined. Jilted? Blow up her wedding party. Underpaid? Sprinkle Eboli in their staff canteen. Overtaxed? Cyber-raid the IRS’s pantry. Losing Pascal’s Wager? Post Polonium-210 to the infidels (and anyone else along the paper trail). And if all else fails, or you’re in an especial rush, strap on a boom-belt and take out the nearest crowd. ‘At’ll teach ’em.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Going postal has been enfranchised, technologically “empowered.” Now anyone with a grievance, righteous or wrongful, can register his displeasure with a vengeance, on a scale unprecedented, unimagined. Jilted? Blow up her wedding party. Underpaid? Sprinkle Eboli in their staff canteen. Overtaxed? Cyber-raid the IRS’s pantry. Losing Pascal’s Wager? Post Polonium-210 to the infidels (and anyone … <\/p>\n