{"id":482,"date":"2018-12-26T19:54:03","date_gmt":"2018-12-26T19:54:03","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/?p=482"},"modified":"2018-12-26T19:54:03","modified_gmt":"2018-12-26T19:54:03","slug":"religions-tolerance-and-tolerance-of-religion","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/2018\/12\/26\/religions-tolerance-and-tolerance-of-religion\/","title":{"rendered":"Religions’ tolerance and tolerance of religion"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"voodoo\"Religions are not typically too terribly tolerant of one another. But societies and laws should be tolerant, and that includes tolerance of religions — if not of their intolerance.<\/p>\n

The tragedy of 9\/11 was the result of a religion’s intolerance. It must not be responded to in kind. Either all religious institutions and symbols are banned from the site, or all are allowed.<\/p>\n

President Obama is right (again).<\/p>\n

(If it weren’t for the sensitivities of the believers among the victims’ families, I’d be for banning all cults from the site!)<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Religions are not typically too terribly tolerant of one another. But societies and laws should be tolerant, and that includes tolerance of religions — if not of their intolerance. The tragedy of 9\/11 was the result of a religion’s intolerance. It must not be responded to in kind. Either all religious institutions and symbols are … <\/p>\n