{"id":618,"date":"2018-12-31T21:52:15","date_gmt":"2018-12-31T21:52:15","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/?p=618"},"modified":"2018-12-31T21:52:15","modified_gmt":"2018-12-31T21:52:15","slug":"no-one-in-the-world-can-tell-the-hungarian-parliament-which-laws-to-pass","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/2018\/12\/31\/no-one-in-the-world-can-tell-the-hungarian-parliament-which-laws-to-pass\/","title":{"rendered":"“No one in the world can tell the Hungarian parliament which laws to pass…”"},"content":{"rendered":"

<\/a>“In December, as international criticism of his government\u2019s actions mounted, Mr. Orb\u00e1n declared that no one in the world could tell the Hungarian parliament which laws to pass and which not to. Fortunately, he is wrong. In his bluster, Orb\u00e1n ignored the fact that Hungary has joined the European Union, making it subject to European law. Ultimately, the European Court of Justice can tell Hungary when its laws are unacceptable<\/i>.”<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

R. Daniel Kelemen<\/a><\/b> (Director, Center for European Studies, Rutgers University) Christian Science Monitor<\/i>, Jan 25 2012<\/a><\/b>. <\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

“In December, as international criticism of his government\u2019s actions mounted, Mr. Orb\u00e1n declared that no one in the world could tell the Hungarian parliament which laws to pass and which not to. Fortunately, he is wrong. In his bluster, Orb\u00e1n ignored the fact that Hungary has joined the European Union, making it subject to European … <\/p>\n