{"id":671,"date":"2018-12-31T22:27:59","date_gmt":"2018-12-31T22:27:59","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/?p=671"},"modified":"2018-12-31T22:28:16","modified_gmt":"2018-12-31T22:28:16","slug":"crowdsourced-xmas-chain-letter","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/2018\/12\/31\/crowdsourced-xmas-chain-letter\/","title":{"rendered":"CROWDSOURCED XMAS CHAIN LETTER 2012-12-23"},"content":{"rendered":"

Dear Sir or Madame:<\/p>\n

This Xmas card notification chain-letter is being sent to everyone on the web. <\/p>\n

Please click HERE<\/u> to provide access to the email addresses of your friends. <\/p>\n

Next, please click HERE<\/u> to pick out and register which personalized Xmas card(s) you would like to send — or HERE<\/u> if you would like to leave the choice to us, based on your user profile and your friends’ user profiles.<\/p>\n

Next, please click HERE to pick out and register which Xmas card(s) you would like to receive — or HERE<\/u> if you would like to leave the choice to us, based on your user profile and your friends’ user profiles.<\/p>\n

If you do not wish to view the cards sent to you, click HERE<\/u> and the sender will automatically receive warm thanks from you for the card.<\/p>\n

You need do no more this year — or any other year; just click HERE<\/u> to enable automatic updating to add new friends’ emails to our personalized list for you.<\/p>\n

(We are also planning a slightly more complicated Crowdsourcing for Ebay PayPal Xmas presents next year\u2026)<\/p>\n

Please accept our personal best wishes for a happy holiday — and Happy Birthday February 4th!<\/p>\n

CEO, Claus Corp<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Dear Sir or Madame: This Xmas card notification chain-letter is being sent to everyone on the web. Please click HERE to provide access to the email addresses of your friends. Next, please click HERE to pick out and register which personalized Xmas card(s) you would like to send — or HERE if you would like … <\/p>\n