{"id":708,"date":"2018-12-31T23:49:13","date_gmt":"2018-12-31T23:49:13","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/?p=708"},"modified":"2018-12-31T23:49:13","modified_gmt":"2018-12-31T23:49:13","slug":"report-from-orbanistan","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/2018\/12\/31\/report-from-orbanistan\/","title":{"rendered":"Report from Orbanistan"},"content":{"rendered":"

Why on earth should the democratic opposition seek electoral victory?<\/p>\n

Viktor Orban has robbed the country blind.<\/p>\n

Even if the opposition wins the next election, Orban\u2019s long-term appointees, oligarchs, croneys and infrastructure will be there to make sure the opposition fails and Orban gets quickly and triumphantly re-elected the next time round.<\/p>\n

Meanwhile, the poop is set to hit the propellor in the next few years, big time, as Orban\u2019s Ponzo Kleptocracy implodes.<\/p>\n

And the Hungarian populace is fully media-primed to pin the blame for the catastrophe on the opposition yet again, if they are in government at the time.<\/p>\n

So it seems to me like lose\/lose for the opposition to aim for electoral victory.<\/p>\n

The opposition should instead pull out all stops on telling it how it is, whether or not the populace is yet ready to believe it \u2014 and this seems to be exactly what Ferenc Gyurcsany’s Democratic Coalition<\/a> is doing.<\/p>\n

Let the public hear the truth, loud and clear, vote for Fidesz just the same, and then face the consequences.<\/p>\n

Just deprive Orban of his supermajority, which allows him to paper over every piece of piracy with a new law.<\/p>\n

The economic catastrophe of the next four years is now inescapable: Let it fall on Orban\u2019s head, deprived of the superlegislative power to protect him from the consequences.<\/p>\n

And let the free and foreign media trumpet the Democratic Coalition’s message loud and clear throughout.<\/p>\n

Hungary is beyond any quick fix now; but allowing effects to coincide with their causes is the only hope of awakening the gormless Hungarian electorate to who and what is the real cause of their misfortunes.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Why on earth should the democratic opposition seek electoral victory? Viktor Orban has robbed the country blind. Even if the opposition wins the next election, Orban\u2019s long-term appointees, oligarchs, croneys and infrastructure will be there to make sure the opposition fails and Orban gets quickly and triumphantly re-elected the next time round. Meanwhile, the poop … <\/p>\n