{"id":811,"date":"2019-01-01T13:27:38","date_gmt":"2019-01-01T13:27:38","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/?p=811"},"modified":"2019-01-01T13:27:38","modified_gmt":"2019-01-01T13:27:38","slug":"please-write-to-shriners-svp-ecrire-a-shriners","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/2019\/01\/01\/please-write-to-shriners-svp-ecrire-a-shriners\/","title":{"rendered":"PLEASE WRITE TO SHRINERS – SVP \u00c9CRIRE \u00c0 SHRINERS"},"content":{"rendered":"

Shriners Karnak Temple
\n3350 Boulevard des Sources
\nQC H9B 1Z9

Dear Shriners,<\/p>\n

I would like to request a meeting in Montreal to discuss the Shriners Circus.<\/p>\n

My father was a freemason and I have the highest respect for Shriners and its good works. But I would like to discuss with the Shriners leadership the unimaginable cruelty that has been documented in the raising, training and treatment of animals in the circus. As this evidence becomes more and more public through the web and media it will be much better for children and for animals and for Shriners’ reputation to transfer support from circuses with animal acts to circuses with human performers only, coupled with a live exhibit for children by animal sanctuaries, showing rescued animals and how they should be treated, along with pictures and videos of how they have been maltreated in their pasts. <\/p>\n

Children are extremely responsive to this, and it will help to foster a new generation of compassionate children and adults.<\/p>\n

\nStevan Harnad, Ph.D.
\nCanada Research Chair in Cognitive Sciences
\nProfessor of Psychology
\nUniversit\u00e9 du Qu\u00e9bec \u00e0 Montr\u00e9al


Shriners Karnak Temple 3350 Boulevard des Sources Dollar-des-Ormeaux QC H9B 1Z9 https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/pages\/Karnak-Shriners\/123098597720642 Dear Shriners, I would like to request a meeting in Montreal to discuss the Shriners Circus. My father was a freemason and I have the highest respect for Shriners and its good works. But I would like to discuss with the Shriners leadership … <\/p>\n