{"id":819,"date":"2019-01-01T13:30:42","date_gmt":"2019-01-01T13:30:42","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/?p=819"},"modified":"2019-01-01T13:30:42","modified_gmt":"2019-01-01T13:30:42","slug":"pets-adopted-teach-people-to-love-animals","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/2019\/01\/01\/pets-adopted-teach-people-to-love-animals\/","title":{"rendered":"Pets (Adopted) Teach People to Love Animals"},"content":{"rendered":"

Yes, all the cruel, unpardonable things described by Dr. Danten<\/a> — and more — are imposed on innocent, helpless animals by the pet industry and its customers. But “much more cruel than any other form of animal exploitation, including factory farming…”?
\nCruelty is a contest that only psychopaths and sadists are interested in scoring or winning. But in sheer numbers alone, the cumulative agony of factory-farmed victims is surely by orders of magnitude the greatest today. Perhaps only the decimation by habitat destruction comes close.<\/p>\n

It all needs to stop, all the cruelty. But although it does not for one minute justify any of the horrors that Dr. Danten has correctly described, if there is to be any hope for ending all the horrors, it must first be possible for people to form close relationships with animals: Without that, how can there ever be the comprehension, let alone the empathy, that will persuade us that we have to abolish it all, all the suffering being wantonly imposed on countless, blameless victims in unimaginable numbers, completely and utterly unnecessarily, by the pet industry, the meat industry, the dairy industry, the fur industry, the sports industry, the entertainment industry and countless independent entrepreneurs? And that is before we even have to face the harder question of biomedical research that saves lives.<\/p>\n

Don’t buy pets. Adopt the abandoned, abused, homeless ones that have had the sad fate of being created, and comfort them for the rest of their lives. Once you fall in love with them — as everyone with a heart is destined to do — you will no longer be able to ignore the tragic fate of all the rest.<\/p>\n

And the first step to take to help all the rest is to stop sustaining their terrible fate, by no longer eating, wearing, or buying them.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Yes, all the cruel, unpardonable things described by Dr. Danten — and more — are imposed on innocent, helpless animals by the pet industry and its customers. But “much more cruel than any other form of animal exploitation, including factory farming…”? Cruelty is a contest that only psychopaths and sadists are interested in scoring or … <\/p>\n