{"id":922,"date":"2019-01-02T17:31:54","date_gmt":"2019-01-02T17:31:54","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/?p=922"},"modified":"2020-06-08T01:17:00","modified_gmt":"2020-06-08T00:17:00","slug":"chloe-ii","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/2019\/01\/02\/chloe-ii\/","title":{"rendered":"Chloe II"},"content":{"rendered":"

All you ever asked
\nof life
\nwas thin little flakes
\nsprinkled frequently enough
\nso you could munch and munch
\nto your gentle little heart’s content.<\/p>\n

At first I feared,
\nas your little belly swelled,
\nthat you were egg-bound,
\nthen that you were over-eating,
\nas your glide became a waddle,
\nand, alarmingly,
\nI no longer needed a net
\nto airlift you to the other tank
\nso the rest could eat in peace
\nand you would not burst:<\/p>\n

I could just scoop you up
\nin my hands,
\nyour soft, tubby little form,
\nand you,
\ntoo swollen to struggle,
\nbut now I know,
\nalso too weak.<\/p>\n

And I thought
\nit’s because all you care about
\nis food.<\/p>\n

When my sluggish soul realized
\nyou were neither gravid
\nnor gourmande
\nbut suffering from a fearful illness
\nI rushed
\nto purchase the paraphernalia for a cure,
\nbut you could no longer wait,
\nnor even resist the filter,
\ngrown stronger than you,
\nwhich locked you in its orbit,
\nso you could only linger there
\ngasping, helplessly.<\/p>\n

So sudden.
\nWas it because I unjustly underfed you
\nin your last weeks?
\nOr failed to freshen your water enough?
\nOr discovered your ailment too late?
\nOr the world was just too much — or too little — for you?<\/p>\n

Your waddle is still now.<\/p>\n

You drift freely with the little whirl-pool.<\/p>\n

I don’t know if you still are.<\/p>\n

I don’t dare decide not.<\/p>\n

And I don’t want to.<\/p>\n

I squeeze your bloated little belly
\ngently, maybe I can expel the poison.<\/p>\n

And soon I must umpire the learn\u00e8d paper
\nthat confidently argues
\nthat fish do not feel<\/a>
\nnor see
\nnor suffer.<\/i><\/p>\n

My own little lump of gold,
\nthe only gold of value.<\/p>\n

I won’t betray you again.<\/p>\n


All you ever asked of life was thin little flakes sprinkled frequently enough so you could munch and munch to your gentle little heart’s content. At first I feared, as your little belly swelled, that you were egg-bound, then that you were over-eating, as your glide became a waddle, and, alarmingly, I no longer needed … <\/p>\n