{"id":943,"date":"2019-01-02T22:54:48","date_gmt":"2019-01-02T22:54:48","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/?p=943"},"modified":"2019-01-02T22:54:48","modified_gmt":"2019-01-02T22:54:48","slug":"debate-should-we-stop-eating-animals","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/2019\/01\/02\/debate-should-we-stop-eating-animals\/","title":{"rendered":"Debate: Should we stop eating animals?"},"content":{"rendered":"


(Version fran\u00e7aise suit ci-dessous)<\/i><\/p>\n

The Debate “Should we stop eating animals?<\/b><\/i> “Organized by the Quebec Skeptics<\/a> at the Quebec Humanist Centre<\/a> August 13, 2015 is easy to summarize:<\/p>\n

Both voices for YES (Christiane Bailey, U Montreal, and Dany Plouffe, McGill U) argued that:<\/p>\n

1. Eating animals is unnecessary for our survival or health<\/p>\n

2. To breed, rear and slaughter animals causes suffering<\/p>\n

3. We should not cause unnecessary suffering<\/p>\n

So we should not eat animals.<\/p>\n

(In addition, they added that if we stopped eating animals it would be better for the health of the planet and for human health.)<\/p>\n

The two voices for NO (Cyrille Barrette, Laval U, and Jean-Pierre Vaillancourt, U Montreal) argued that:<\/p>\n

CB1: There are continuities and discontinuities in the Darwinian evolution of species: we should respect the differences and distances between species<\/p>\n

CB2: Humans are the only species that is \u201caltrusitic\u201d and has the capacity to make choices and laws; pain is not the same as suffering; we should respect these differences<\/p>\n

CB3: We evolved as omnivores; let\u2019s continue to eat everything we evolved to be able to eat<\/p>\n

J-PV1: Animals industrially bred and slaughtered suffer, but not that much<\/p>\n

J-PV2: Whether they suffer too much to justify eating is a matter of opinion and free choice<\/p>\n

(J-PV also challenged the degree of benefit for the planet if we stopped breeding animals to eat; he also cited the business interests of the meat industry)<\/p>\n

There was no vote taken. Readers can draw their own conclusions from my summary. I think I have not omitted anything important, nor distorted or biased anything.<\/p>\n

This Is What Humane Slaughter Looks Like. Is It Good Enough?<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n