{"id":951,"date":"2019-01-02T22:57:06","date_gmt":"2019-01-02T22:57:06","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/?p=951"},"modified":"2019-01-02T22:57:06","modified_gmt":"2019-01-02T22:57:06","slug":"hungary-update-on-decency-vs-deception","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/2019\/01\/02\/hungary-update-on-decency-vs-deception\/","title":{"rendered":"Hungary Update: On Decency vs. Deception"},"content":{"rendered":"

What a huge difference between the psychopath whom the Hungarians twice elected \u2014 Viktor Orban \u2014 and the decent human being whom that psychopath ousted through demagoguery and character assassination: Former Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany<\/p>\n

Perhaps at long last the brainwashed Hungarian populace will now wake up to who is the decent one and who is the deceiver.<\/p>\n

(The Orban propaganda machine will of course howl “It’s all a publicity stunt!” — Well even as a publicity stunt it would send a far more humane message than Orban’s shameful, shameless hate-mongering.)<\/p>\n


What a huge difference between the psychopath whom the Hungarians twice elected \u2014 Viktor Orban \u2014 and the decent human being whom that psychopath ousted through demagoguery and character assassination: Former Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany Perhaps at long last the brainwashed Hungarian populace will now wake up to who is the decent one and who … <\/p>\n