{"id":973,"date":"2019-01-02T23:54:33","date_gmt":"2019-01-02T23:54:33","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/?p=973"},"modified":"2019-01-02T23:54:33","modified_gmt":"2019-01-02T23:54:33","slug":"a-bosszu-nepe-magyarok-tukorkepe","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/2019\/01\/02\/a-bosszu-nepe-magyarok-tukorkepe\/","title":{"rendered":"A bossz\u00fa n\u00e9pe (magyarok t\u00fck\u00f6rk\u00e9pe)"},"content":{"rendered":"

[I did not really appreciate the full force of the loathsomeness of Akos Kovacs<\/a>‘s jaded jingo jingle, below, until I translated it into English (stilted, so as to match the original: no effort at prettification here). Note the three lines starting with *asterisks, added to obfuscate, or on the advice of attorneys, or as yet another symptom of how deeply this vicious, paranoid delusion has wormed its way into the Hungarian psyche. To find the people of vengeance Hungarians need go no further than their mirrors.]<\/p>\n

A Bossz\u00fa N\u00e9pe<\/i> \u2014 The People of Vengeance<\/b><\/p>\n

\u00c1kos Kov\u00e1cs<\/b> <\/p>\n

[Kovacs is a recipient of Hungary’s Kossuth Prize — a once-prestigious award now being cheapened by the Orban regime, which has lately tried (unsuccessfully) to rescind from a past recipient, Akos Kertesz<\/a>, who sought and was granted asylum in Canada because he was being persecuted in Hungary for having condemned the very trait — in Hungarians — that Akos Kovacs is floridly exhibiting in his hate-lyrics. Kovacs also wrote the sound-track for Maria Schmidt’s Budapest “House of Terror”<\/a>, a monstrously distorted memorial bemoaning Hungary’s victimhood while obscuring and obfuscating Hungary’s own responsibility for the horrors.]<\/small><\/p>\n

    A bossz\u00fa n\u00e9pe<\/i> \u2014 The people of vengeance
\n    \u00dagy tenne j\u00e9gre,<\/i> \u2014 Would so dispose of you
\n    Hogy ne is vedd \u00e9szre,<\/i> \u2014 That you wouldn’t even notice
\n    Hogy elpuszt\u00edt<\/i> \u2014 You were being destroyed<\/p>\n

A l\u00e9lek \u00fcress\u00e9ge, <\/i>\u2014 Emptiness of spirit
\nA m\u00e9rce kettőss\u00e9ge,<\/i> \u2014 Double standards
\nEgy bossz\u00fa\u00e1ll\u00f3 isten<\/i> \u2014 A vindictive god\u2019s
\nTorzult t\u00fck\u00f6rk\u00e9pe<\/i> \u2014 Distorted mirror-image
\nE szorgos n\u00e9p, ha perbe fog,<\/i> \u2014 This sedulous people, if it pursues you
\nT\u00e9ged elevenen tűzre dob,<\/i> \u2014 Throws you alive into the fire
\nA harag r\u00e9me, a b\u00e9ke v\u00e9ge,<\/i> \u2014 A reign of terror, the end of peace
\nTombol a bossz\u00fa n\u00e9pe.<\/i> \u2014 Wreacks the people of vengeance<\/p>\n

    A bossz\u00fa n\u00e9pe<\/i> \u2014 The people of vengeance
\n    \u00dagy tenne j\u00e9gre,<\/i> \u2014 Would so dispose of you
\n    Hogy ne is vedd \u00e9szre,<\/i> \u2014 That you wouldn’t even notice
\n    Hogy elpuszt\u00edt<\/i> \u2014 You were being destroyed<\/p>\n

Ne szabadkozz: Te szabad vagy,<\/i> \u2014 Don\u2019t beg pardon, you are free
\nA hatalmad magadnak akartad,<\/i> \u2014 You wanted the power for yourself,
\nH\u00e1t szabad-e hagynod, hogy f\u00farja-t\u00e9pje<\/i> \u2014 So why should the people of vengeance be free
\nHaz\u00e1dat folyton a bossz\u00fa n\u00e9pe?<\/i> \u2014 To tear and shred your homeland?
\nF\u00e9lnek tőled, rettegnek,<\/i> \u2014 They fear you, they cower,
\n\u00c9s ink\u00e1bb elevenen esznek meg,<\/i> \u2014 And rather eat you alive
\nCsak nehogy el tudd mondani v\u00e9gre,<\/i> \u2014 Just so you shouldn’t be able to tell
\nHogyan gy\u00fcl\u00f6l a bossz\u00fa n\u00e9pe.<\/i> \u2014 How the people of vengeance hate you<\/p>\n

    A bossz\u00fa n\u00e9pe<\/i> \u2014 The people of vengeance
\n    \u00dagy tenne j\u00e9gre,<\/i> \u2014 Would so dispose of you
\n    Hogy ne is vedd \u00e9szre,<\/i> \u2014 That you wouldn’t even notice
\n    Hogy elpuszt\u00edt<\/i> \u2014 You were being destroyed<\/p>\n

A gyűl\u00f6let rabja<\/i> \u2014 The slaves of hatred
\nMajd kiforgatja<\/i> \u2014 Will turn upside down
\nMinden szavamat \u00e9s \u00e1tkoz<\/i> \u2014 My every word, and will curse
\n*Mert aki brancsoknak tagja,<\/i> \u2014 Because those who are members of the branch
\n*Az uk\u00e1zba kapja,<\/i> \u2014 Are trained in the Ukase
\n*Hogy \u00fcss\u00f6n, ha nem tartozol a p\u00e1rthoz.<\/i> \u2014 To beat you if you are not in the party.<\/p>\n

    A bossz\u00fa n\u00e9pe<\/i> \u2014 The people of vengeance
\n    \u00dagy tenne j\u00e9gre,<\/i> \u2014 Would so dispose of you
\n    Hogy ne is vedd \u00e9szre,<\/i> \u2014 That you wouldn’t even notice
\n    Hogy elpuszt\u00edt<\/i> \u2014 You were being destroyed<\/p>\n

D\u00fadold ezt a dalt,<\/i> \u2014 Croon this song
\n\u00c9s aki gyűl\u00f6l majd \u00e9rte,<\/i> \u2014 And those who hate you for it:
\nAz lesz a bossz\u00fa n\u00e9pe!<\/i> \u2014 Those are the people of vengeance!<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

[I did not really appreciate the full force of the loathsomeness of Akos Kovacs‘s jaded jingo jingle, below, until I translated it into English (stilted, so as to match the original: no effort at prettification here). Note the three lines starting with *asterisks, added to obfuscate, or on the advice of attorneys, or as yet … <\/p>\n