{"id":990,"date":"2019-01-03T00:05:16","date_gmt":"2019-01-03T00:05:16","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/?p=990"},"modified":"2019-01-03T00:05:16","modified_gmt":"2019-01-03T00:05:16","slug":"temps-des-betes-age-of-beasts","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk\/skywritings\/2019\/01\/03\/temps-des-betes-age-of-beasts\/","title":{"rendered":"Temps des b\u00eates – Age of Beasts"},"content":{"rendered":"

Les activistes et les sympathisants:
\nActivists and sympathizers:<\/p>\n

Please make a donation, even if small.
\nSVP faire un don, m\u00eame si c’est petit. <\/p>\n

This documentary<\/a> by Fran\u00e7ois Primeau<\/a> is made in the hope
\nof sensitizing decent human beings
\n\u2014 in Quebec, Canada and the world \u2014
\nto the unspeakable agony of the victims,
\nuncountable and defenceless,
\nof humanity\u2019s most inhumane crime
\nagainst nonhumanity.<\/p>\n

Ce documentaire<\/a> de Fran\u00e7ois Primeau<\/a> est fait dans l’espoir
\nde sensibiliser les humains d\u00e9cents
\n\u2014 au Qu\u00e9bec, au Canada, et au monde \u2014
\nenvers l\u2019agonie indescriptible
\ndes victimes ind\u00e9nombrables et sans d\u00e9fense
\ndu crime le plus inhumain
\nde l’humanit\u00e9
\ncontre les non humains.<\/p>\n


Les activistes et les sympathisants: Activists and sympathizers: Please make a donation, even if small. SVP faire un don, m\u00eame si c’est petit. This documentary by Fran\u00e7ois Primeau is made in the hope of sensitizing decent human beings \u2014 in Quebec, Canada and the world \u2014 to the unspeakable agony of the victims, uncountable and … <\/p>\n