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Agenda for Monday, May 24

Changing Focus in a Time Critical Environment with Dynamic Attention Requirements. Experiment Discussion.

In this weeks interactions reading group, we will be discussing a preposed experiment plan for looking at changes in focus during different situations in high risk environments.

Primary paper: K.F Lawrence, An Investigation into Changes of Focus between Activities of Varying Attentuion Requirements over Multi-View Systems (Draft)

Supporting papers:

Jacob Somervell, D. Scott McCrickard, Chris North, and Maulik Shukla. An evaluation of information visualization in attention-limited environments. In D. Ebert, P. Brunet, and I. Navazo, editors, Proceedings of the symposium on Data Visualisation 2002, pages 211-216, Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland, 2002. Ethnographics - IEEE TCVG, Eurographics Association.

E. Cutrell, M. Czerwinski, and E. Horvitz. Notification, disruption and memory: Effects of messaging interruptions on memory and performance. In M Hirose, editor, Human-Computer Interaction - Interact ’01, pages 263-269. IFIP, IOS Press, 2001.

Thoughts on any issues raised can be discussed on the Interaction discussion list if you are subscribed. If you aren't sure how to subscribe then mail us
