ISSN: 1368-7506

Guidelines for Submission


The Editors invite submissions in most electronic formats. However, since the journal will be made available over the World Wide Web, articles already in this format will require less modification prior to publication. Formats, such as RTF and LaTeX, which are easily converted to html are also very acceptable.

Authors are encouraged to submit formats other than text, however:

The editorial philosophy is to encourage authors to submit any media that will benefit the user in understanding the article, while reminding the author that not all readers will have access to the correct hardware. In "non standard" cases the author is encouraged to contact the editors in advance of submission to discuss the options.


Authors should:
  1. FTP all files to to directory /pub/incoming/
  2. email the chief editor,, stating the names of all the files that have been submitted.
  3. Provide meta-data concerning the article by returning this form.

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Last modified: 27/03/98