This year we went to pride in force! Teaming up with the Bringing Research to Life roadshow, the Pulse LGBT+ network attended pride with a range of hand-on activities and freebies for Southampton’s wider LGBT+ community.

It was an early start, Sam and Andrew joined the roadshow team at 8.30am to help set up the tent and prepare for the 11am start, with other network members joining us shortly afterwards (we made it in time… just!).

It wasn’t long before the network was joining in with the hands-on activities and the stall started getting busy. The Bringing Research to Life roadshow attracted a lot of interest to the University’s tent, with some fascinating interactive demos.

At 1.30, we began assembling for the Pride March. As an official sponsor, we were near the front of the parade. Presently the students of the SUSU LGBT+ society joined us and we marched together.

After the march, we returned to the stall until closing time at 6.30pm. The event was a great success and enjoyed by all. Thanks to everyone who came to visit us, and we look forward to a bigger and better Pride 2020!