QTI Tools Worksheet July 2009
Open the FETLAR Moodle site at
http://stack.bham.ac.uk, in the
browser, and choose the course FETLAR Management.
Login as a guest and click the MathAssess QTITools link in
the main topic.
Finding Questions
- Open
Minibix Item Bank
Go to Search and search for "differentiate" in title or use the taxonomy
list to find topic 6.1.4 Differentiation.
- Note the Ticket number of
the first result of the search
2 Authoring Questions
Open MathQurate from the desk-top icon
2.1 Import Question
Click the Import from Minibix icon at the top,
download the ticket number found in Minibix – the question is now loaded into
2.2 Modify Metadata
Click on the metadata icon and modify
the metadata:
- Insert
your own name as author,
- Remove
the ticket number, i.e. leave the field blank, so that your question will be
added to the repository, rather than overwriting the original question.
Click OK to save the metadata
2.3 Edit MathML
Edit the mathematical expression to be differentiated to
include iC:
- Open the Question Body editor , which
enables us to modify the visible part of the question,
In the lower left pane, click on the button
- In the upper part of the Maths dialog,add +\qv{iC}
immediately before the final\] in the LaTeX – the change is reflected below
in the MathML
- Click OK to save the change and close the Maths
- Click OK to close the Question Body editor
2.4 Make a New Variable
Declare template variable iC as a single cardinality
integer, and set its mathVariable attribute to true:
- Open the Question Processing dialog ,
Choose the Templates button to edit the template variables,
- Click on iB and then the icon at
the top of the dialog to create a new variable after iB,
- Change the name of the new variable to iC ,
- Set the parameters baseType to integer, cardinality to
single and MathML to true
- Click OK to close the Template declarations dialog
2.5 Edit Randomisation
Edit the randomisation so that the unknown mX will not be
t, and the value of iC is selected randomly between 2 and 6
- Back in the Question Processing dialog, choose
- Click the beside
Open setTemplateValue: tDummy, customOperator and baseValue in the same
- In the lower right pane scroll across, using the
slider, to view and modify the Maxima code
- Copy the command beginning “iB:” and paste it in
after the iB command, change the B to C and the 3 inside the random(3)
to a 5 – this sets up the value for iC
- Change array(aarr,18); to array(aarr,17); remove
“t,” from the list in fillarray() and change mX:aarr[random(18)]; to
mX:aarr[random(17)]; - this prevents the variable mX being set to t
- Change mQues:iA*mX^iB; to mQues:iA*mX^iB+iC;
- Press CTRL+ENTER or click the button to
save the Maxima code
- Click OK to close the Response and Template
Processing window
- Click Close to close the “Edit variables and
processing elements” dialog
2.6 Run the Question
Click the icon on the
main page - this uses QTIEngine via the web to run the question, so it will
only work if you are online.
- Try entering a mathematical expression in the input
- Click Hint or Solution (this ends the interaction with
the question so you need to close and open again)
- Click Close to close the renderer.
2.7 Save the question
- Save as a QTI V2.1 XML file on the hard drive (or your
- Click the icon on
the main page
- Browse to the location for the content package and
save the file.
- Save as a QTI V2.1 content package on the hard drive
(or your pendrive)
- Click the icon on
the main page
- Browse to the location for the content package and
save the file.
- Save to Minibix
- Click the icon on
the main page
- In the dialog, make sure that the ticket number is
blank and the metadata fields are compete
- Click Upload
- Click Close to close the dialog .
3 Constructing Tests
- Open Constructr from the FETLAR QTI Tools page
- Start a new test:
- Click the Add Test icon above the
list of tests
- Give it the title “Test nn” where nn is the
worksheet number
- Click Create Test
- Click the Info icon beside
your test to view the test contents (nothing there yet!)
- Create two sections, in each case:
- Click the icon
beside your test
- Give it a title
- Add some instructions in the Section Rubric
- Click Create Section
- Click Show Test at the top of the screen, then
click the Info button beside your test to display the section(s)
- In the first section add a multiple choice question
and a text entry question:
- Click , then
type choiceInteraction in the Minibix search dialog and check the box
beside Interaction type
- Click the beside the
first test in the list and select Ticket #15 from the search results
displayed there (this is a quirk!)
- Click , then
type textEntryInteraction in the Minibix search dialog and check the box
beside Interaction type
- Click the beside the
first test in the list and select Ticket #17 from the search results
- In the second section put three questions on
- Click , then use
the Classification drop-down to select the topic from the taxonomy
- Click the beside the
first test in the list and select Ticket #14, your own question and any
other question from the search results
- Use the Edit icon beside the
first section to open the section settings dialog; set it to select one
question, then click Update
- Using the Edit icon beside the
second section, change its settings to select two questions and shuffle the
order, but not reselect the same question, then click Update
- Save the test as a content package by
- Clicking the Save icon beside the
- Waiting for about 15 seconds to let it create the
content package,
- Then clicking the info icon ; the link
for downloading is at the end of the sentence "To save your test..."
4 Assigning a Test as an Assessment
In Moodle (http://gauss.ecs.soton.ac.uk/moodle19
) go to MathAssess Test Course
- Log in as instructornnn where nnn is the
number at the top of this sheet; the password is the same as the login id
- Switch editing on using the link in the left-hand
In the main course page in Topic 2, choose Add an activity and select
qtiplayr from the dropdown list
On the dialog page give the assessment a name that contains your number
- Set the dates so that the test can be used today
- Set either unlimited or a number greater than or equal
to 10 as the number of attempts
- Upload your test from the local machine or pendrive:
a. Click “Choose or upload a file” on the dialog page, then:
b. Click “Upload a file”, browse for your file and upload it:
c. Click the “Choose” link to the right of your file in the list
- Back on the dialog page, select gradebook options and
common module settings as you wish
Click Save and display
On the next page choose “Preview assessment “ and the assessment is ready
for use: