Comments on: The ROV team effort that stopped the Deepwater Horizon oil spill – Gulf of Mexico 2010
Exploring our Oceans Mon, 04 Jan 2021 05:40:08 +0000hourly1 Jonathan P Barker
Wed, 23 Dec 2015 18:21:17 +0000 agree – please see my own comments above – let us please learn from this event and apply it to other potentially toxic industries!
]]>By: Jonathan P Barker
Wed, 23 Dec 2015 18:20:10 +0000 agree with Mark’s comments – it’s ridiculous that we have to wait for such a large and damaging – not to mention extremely costly – oil spill before anything was properly planned for such an event. This wasn’t the first oil spill! It seems strange to me that BP and other oil producers hadn’t planned or anticipated such an event that, if they had, would have saved said company millions of dollars – not to mention much less damage being done the the benthos, the coastline and all that marine life! Human failings in such a highly scientific industry – let’s not do it again with other industries. Fracking and chemical and other toxic spills in rivers and estuaries come to mind!
]]>By: afia
Mon, 10 Feb 2014 13:54:13 +0000 least something good came out of this (the legislation) but what happened in the Galicia Spain some years ago with the ‘Prestige’ ship was a shame. It spilled as far as the French and Portuguese coast. They couldn’t find who was responsible for the spill. But there were people who shared the benefits. This cost the Spanish government a lot. The case has been in court since then.
]]>By: Mark Crutchley
Mon, 10 Feb 2014 09:56:04 +0000 most shocking thing about the Deepwater Horizon blowout to my mind was the fact that despite offshore drilling having been underway since the 1920’s, oil companies have spent almost nothing on developing technologies for containing and capturing oil once spilled into the oceans. This event triggered them to announce a significant project to do so, but how woefully late. Meanwhile we continue to respond by spraying chemical dispersants which often cause more harm than the oil they are tackling.
]]>By: Chris Ringrose
Sat, 08 Feb 2014 13:18:29 +0000 post. Quite an operation. Proof that ROV’s are the future for this kind of thing and Oceaneering has been and still is one of the industry leaders.