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Comments on: Ocean Anoxia: Can the oceans suffocate?
Exploring our Oceans Mon, 04 Jan 2021 05:40:08 +0000hourly1 Mohammad Kamal Hosen
Mon, 07 Sep 2015 06:50:56 +0000 sir
Greetings from Bangladesh.its unbelievable and outstanding findings our recent ocean and concerning our future life that most of our protein and other food source from ocean origin so i think we should do something immidiately.
]]>By: Andy Ottery
Mon, 31 Aug 2015 08:54:34 +0000 another problem we are making worse.
I have wondered for some time if it is possible to make some form of ocean churning device powered by wind or wave that could be deployed in critical areas. I know that fish farms have a sort of wind driven paddle that is mostly used for breaking ice. Funding is a always a problem but crowd funding seems to be breaking the mould with people funding projects that have little obvious economic return.
]]>By: Chris Montgomery
Mon, 31 Aug 2015 00:19:25 +0000 question about the ages-of-extinction graph: do we know what things were lost?
]]>By: Simon Scott
Thu, 04 Dec 2014 09:30:18 +0000 Heather, something I had never thought of and of course had no knowledge of. Your post was clear , somewhat alarming but easy to read and comprehend. I have started to look a little more about stromatolites and their role. The Hamblin Sea – twice the salinity of the nearby ocean! Coming back to oxygen in the sea that really is a time bomb. Many thanks for your report.