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Comments on: Ocean Anoxia: Can the oceans suffocate? Exploring our Oceans Mon, 04 Jan 2021 05:40:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mohammad Kamal Hosen Mon, 07 Sep 2015 06:50:56 +0000 Dear sir

Greetings from Bangladesh.its unbelievable and outstanding findings our recent ocean and concerning our future life that most of our protein and other food source from ocean origin so i think we should do something immidiately.


By: Andy Ottery Mon, 31 Aug 2015 08:54:34 +0000 Yet another problem we are making worse.
I have wondered for some time if it is possible to make some form of ocean churning device powered by wind or wave that could be deployed in critical areas. I know that fish farms have a sort of wind driven paddle that is mostly used for breaking ice. Funding is a always a problem but crowd funding seems to be breaking the mould with people funding projects that have little obvious economic return.

By: Chris Montgomery Mon, 31 Aug 2015 00:19:25 +0000 A question about the ages-of-extinction graph: do we know what things were lost?

By: Simon Scott Thu, 04 Dec 2014 09:30:18 +0000 Astounding Heather, something I had never thought of and of course had no knowledge of. Your post was clear , somewhat alarming but easy to read and comprehend. I have started to look a little more about stromatolites and their role. The Hamblin Sea – twice the salinity of the nearby ocean! Coming back to oxygen in the sea that really is a time bomb. Many thanks for your report.
