Comments on: Why do we need a Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development? Exploring our Oceans Mon, 04 Jan 2021 05:40:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lee Scott Tue, 29 Dec 2020 10:56:42 +0000 Surely the need for a Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development is self-evident, for all the reasons that Rachel tabulates and probably for many more besides. Ocean covers 70% of our planet, controls/moderates our climate and is the largest wonder of our wonderful world. Yet so many human activities directly or indirectly damage the Ocean. At one time we were unaware of this damage because it was largely “out of sight, out of mind”. But we have that excuse no longer. Modern technology has enabled us to visit the Deep, either in person or remotely, and to observe for ourselves that the havoc we have caused to our terrestrial ecosystems is now in danger of being revisited upon the Ocean, by our ubiquitous use of plastics and plastic products, which Insidiously find their way down there, and by the new threat of deep ocean mining to fulfil our technological needs (but with the ever-present risk of unintended collateral damage to the marine environment).

What better way to draw this to public attention than with a Decade for Ocean Science? I’m sure the majority of unknowing members of the public, just cottoning on to the danger represented by plastics on the surface, will be appalled to realize that the same thing is happening in the Deep. The public is slow to mobilize but once it is riled, it is also slow to forget the lessons, especially if it’s reminded every year for a decade.
