Christopher – Exploring our Oceans Exploring our Oceans Sun, 24 Jan 2021 12:44:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 122657446 Wearable Wildlife Tech Sat, 29 Nov 2014 23:19:35 +0000 In this weeks MOOC module; “How do we explore the oceans?”, we have covered some of the technological advances that have enabled us to map the ocean and the life in it. These devices are getting smaller and more advanced, allowing us to uncover aspects of the natural world that we never thought possible. Technological miniaturisation has even seen the …

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In this weeks MOOC module; “How do we explore the oceans?”, we have covered some of the technological advances that have enabled us to map the ocean and the life in it. These devices are getting smaller and more advanced, allowing us to uncover aspects of the natural world that we never thought possible. Technological miniaturisation has even seen the emergence of the wearable technology sector this year and it seems that every company is trying to attach their new smart-watch-phone-camera-things to our wrists. Although new in the consumer sector, scientists have actually been using wearable tech’ for some time now. Here’s my run-down of the latest must-have fashion for tracking animals in the marine world.

OCEARCH have attached satellite tags to a number of the oceans apex predators in order to understand movement patterns. Image: OCEARCH
OCEARCH have attached satellite tags to a number of the oceans apex predators in order to understand movement patterns. Image: OCEARCH

One of the most popular must-have items this year for any spatial ecologist goes under the street name of “Tags”. Tags cover a wide array of devices that allow scientists, and now even the public, to track the movements of an animal in space and time. Knowledge of animal space use is fundamental in establishing conservation and management policies….especially when animals under-go large-scale migrations.

A mako shark wearing a satellite tag attached by Guy Harvey Research Institute. Image: Scott Tindake
A mako shark wearing a satellite tag attached by the Guy Harvey Research Institute. Image: Scott Tindake

 Acoustic Tags

Transmit coded sounds that are typically detected by an array of transceivers or listening stations. They can either be worn externally or surgically implanted into the animal.

Hammerhead shark with acoustic tag next to receiver "listening" station. Image: Fred Buyle via Sharks 4 Kids
Hammerhead shark with acoustic tag next to receiver “listening” station. Image: Fred Buyle via Sharks 4 Kids

Accelerometer Tags

Record the 3-dimensional movements and orientation of an animal as it goes about its daily business. Scientists are then able to construct fine scale movement tracks of those animals, which enable studies on aspects such as energetics.

PAT or PSAT Tags

PSAT stands for ‘pop-up satellite archival tag’ and it pretty much does exactly what it says on the tin. The tag is attached externally to an animal and will store data such as depth, temperature, sunrise and sunset. Then, at a predetermined date, the tag will pop-off, float to the surface and relay its archived information back to satellites. Using the time of sunrise and sunset and depth, scientists are able to estimate its location (Light based geolocation).

Pop-up Sat' Tag attached to swordfish. Image: Desert Star System
Pop-up Sat’ Tag attached to swordfish. Image: Desert Star System


‘Smart position only tags’ (SPOT) or satellite tags make use of the Argos satellite system and the scientific principle of Doppler shift to accurately geo-locate the tag. These tags must be able to “see” the satellites, so are only suitable for animals that spend a lot of time on the surface.

Green turtle sporting a satellite tracking tag. Image  TCS
Green turtle sporting a satellite tracking tag. Image TCS

GPS (Global Positioning System)

Using a system similar to the ones you find in your smart-phones and satnavs, these tags are able to geo-locate the animal depending on the position and orientation of numerous satellites orbiting the earth. Like the SPOT tags, they are only suitable for animals that spend a lot of time on the surface.

Juvenile Elephant seal with GPS tag. Image: Marine Desprez
Juvenile Elephant seal with GPS tag. Image: Marine Desprez


Developed by National Geographic, this light weight camera is attached to the animal and records live footage as well as temperature, depth and acceleration. Crittercams have enabled scientists to directly witness specific behaviours and interactions in the real world.

Emperor penguin outfitted with a crittercam allows a first person perspective. Image: Crittercam
Emperor penguin outfitted with a crittercam allows a first person perspective. Image: Crittercam


The latest in must have autonomous animal tracking; this autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) will follow any animal with a transmitter tag on it. Collecting a wide range of data as it follows its target, this surely is the must have gadget for this year. The video below is of it tracking a white shark in 2013; that is until the AUV then becomes the one that is being followed.




This wearable tech’ is allowing scientists to uncover previously unknown movements of many marine animals. You too can even log on to various websites and follow animals yourself.

Follow sharks with OCEARCH:

Follow sharks, turtles, birds, sea lions and many more at:

Guy Harvey marine life tracking:

Combined map shows movement patterns of twenty-two species documented by scientists collaborating in the TOPP (Tagging of Pacific Ocean Predators) project.
Combined map shows movement patterns of twenty-two species documented by scientists collaborating in the TOPP (Tagging of Pacific Ocean Predators) project.

Tags are attached with minimal effect to the animal, because after all, we want to observe natural movements. There are strict weight restrictions that need to been adhered to in order not to impede animal movement. Many of these tags will errode off the animal over time or are manually removed by scientists at the end of the study period. The animals’ welfare is the number one priority to research scientist working with animal movements.

Elephant Seal with Tag

Knowledge of animal movement patterns is fundamental for the effective implementation of conservation and management practices. How are we supposed to protect an animal if we don’t know the extent of its movements? Tags are designed and attached in order to be as “neutral” as possible on the animal with ethics and welfare being a main priority. The culmination of technology, engineering, mathematics and biology has revealed great insights into the secret lives of marine animals. This is the wearable tech’ that really matters. Yeah, ok…it may not look the most attractive, but the results they produce have huge implications for the way that we perceive and subsequently try to protect the animals that wear them.

What are your thoughts? I would love to hear them and would invite you to join the discussions below.

Christopher Bird (@SharkDevocean)

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Introducing: The Megamouth Shark Wed, 12 Nov 2014 19:58:17 +0000   When most people think of sharks they think of white sharks breaching and tiger sharks in crystal clear Bahamian waters. So when a rare deep-sea megamouth shark (Megachasma pelagios) washed up in the Philippines early this year, I had a lot of people contacting me asking if it was even real. You bet your bottom dollar it was real …

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#59 caught last week in the Philippines
#59 caught in the Philippines in July 2014

When most people think of sharks they think of white sharks breaching and tiger sharks in crystal clear Bahamian waters. So when a rare deep-sea megamouth shark (Megachasma pelagios) washed up in the Philippines early this year, I had a lot of people contacting me asking if it was even real. You bet your bottom dollar it was real and here are some facts and photo’s to stimulate your inquisitive brains.

The first ever megamouth shark. #1. Photo: Hugh Gallagher
The first ever megamouth shark. #1. Photo: Hugh Gallagher

1. Only discovered in 1976

It was first discovered in Hawaii, just 38 years ago, in 1976 after accidently being caught in a deep-sea anchor. The large 4.46m shark was eventually transported to the National Marine Fisheries Service where it was later confirmed that neither the genus or species had previously been described.

Head of the Megamouth number 3, stranded at Mandurah, Western Australia 1988. Source: Barry Hutchins/ Western Australian Museum.
Head of the Megamouth number 3, stranded at Mandurah, Western Australia 1988. Source: Barry Hutchins/ Western Australian Museum.

2. Huge gaping of the sea

The scientific name Megachasma pelagios, translates from Latin into, huge (mega) gaping or yawning (chasma) of the sea (pelagios).

#59 caught last week in the Philippines
#59 caught in the Philippines in July 2014

3. Only 59 documented sightings

As of writing this post, 06 July 2014, only 59 confirmed sightings have been documented (the 59th being the sighting last week in the Philippines). Most sightings have been in Taiwan, Japan and Philippines, and are usually a consequence of by-catch. They have also been found in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. A full list of the 59 megamouths can be found here.


Megamouth shark photographed after release. Source: Bruce Rasner
Megamouth shark photographed after release. Source: Bruce Rasner

4. Can reach nearly 6m long

The largest confirmed speciemen was a carcass found in Taiwan that measured a whopping 5.8m (~19 feet) but there have been suggestions that they can reach even bigger than this.


The closest living relatives to the megamouth is in fact the thresher sharks
The closest living relatives to the megamouth is in fact the thresher sharks. Source: Andy Murch

5. Closest relative is the thresher shark

Megamouths closest living relative is actually the thresher shark but you wouldn’t think it on looks alone.

Juvenile megamouth shark caught on Brazilian longline in 1995. Source Amorim et al 2000
Juvenile megamouth shark caught on Brazilian longline in 1995. From paper: Amorim et al 2000

7. Planktivorous engulfment feeder

The megamouth shark is one of only three known plankton feeding sharks, including the basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) and the whale shark (Rhincodon typus). Whilst it was initially believed that this shark would suck in its mainly krill based diet, it is now believed that it performs engulfment feeding. Engulfment feeding is typical of baleen whales but this is the only species of shark that is thought to use this mechanism to feed [3].

From paper White et al 2004: A juvenile megamouth shark from Northern Sumatra, Indonesia
From paper White et al 2004: A juvenile megamouth shark from Northern Sumatra, Indonesia

8. Bioluminescent assisted feeding

It is believed that the slow swimming megamouth shark may make use of a highly reflective, luminescent mouth, which may act as a light trap to attract prey (imagine its mouth like an underwater electric flytrap found in kitchens). It has also been proposed that a bioluminescent strip above the mouth may also be used in a similar way, although neither of these behaviours have been proven.

The white strip above the mouth may attract prey items, such as krill, directly into the mouth.
The white strip above the mouth may attract prey items, such as krill, directly into the mouth. Engulfment feeding, like baleen whales, with added bioluminescence?

9. Automatic electronic food detectors 

Although they have the lowest abundance ampullary pores (electro-sensory organs) of any described shark, the arrangement of the pores “would allow for the detection of planktonic organisms around the head as the shark swims through the water (horizontally and vertically).

Filming after release: diving deep.
Filming after release: diving deep.

10. Twilight inspired movements

By acoustically tracking an individual shark in 1990, scientists were able to ascertain that this mysterious shark undertakes crepuscular (occurring during dusk and dawn) vertical migrations. During the daytime, the shark spent most of its time in deeper waters (400-500m) then at night, migrated to shallower waters. This behavior, often termed “diel vertical migration”, is common in other sharks and is typically associated with the following of prey items that adopt similar movements.


Australian megamouth shark #3. Note the scar above the gill slits which may be the feeding scar of a Cookie-cutter shark. Source: Barry Hutchins/ Western Australian Museum
Australian megamouth shark #3. Note the scar above the gill slits which may be the feeding scar of a Cookie-cutter shark. Source: Barry Hutchins/ Western Australian Museum

11. Preyed on by sharks and whales

Documented predators of the megamouth shark include sperm whales, orcas and other sharks. Various specimens have also washed ashore with circular shaped wounds torn from their flesh, which is typically indicative off cookiecutter shark predation.

#12 caught in Indian Ocean purse seine net
#12 caught in Indian Ocean purse seine net

12. Best way to be eaten is battered and deep fried. 

After processing the 7th  ever recorded megamouth shark specimen in 1995, researchers couldn’t resist the temptation of tasting a piece of this mystery creature they had just dissected and analysed. They were subsequently treated to 3 different preparations of some dorsal muscle. Battered & fried is apparently the best way to eat this shark!! [7]

“The next day Director Wakisaka had megamouth prepared, from a small piece of dorsal muscle, as a final treat for Jose and Genie: fried, poached with French sauce, and tempura style. Tempura was best”.

Clark, Eugenie, and José Castro et al pose with first female specimen (#6). From paper Clark & Castro 1995.
Clark, Eugenie, and José Castro et al pose with first female specimen (#6). From paper Clark & Castro 1995.

So that is the Megamouth shark. Rare, elusive, mysterious, plankton feeding giant of the deep.

How long and where until we get number 60??
How long and where until we get number 60?? Source: Bruce Rasner

For me the megamouth shark is the perfect poster child for deep-sea mysteries. It is quite outstanding that in days of such high fishing pressures, this shark has remained, at most, hidden from the public eye. It does make you think how many other creatures there are in the deep-sea that we still don’t know about. (and before you say it, no this does not mean Megalodon could still be alive. It just simply isn’t).

Christopher Bird

(Twitter: @SharkDevocean)

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Glow In The Dark Sharks Tue, 28 Oct 2014 21:02:06 +0000 Are you afraid of the dark? Are you afraid of sharks? If, so you might think that the cold, dark depths of the deep-sea would be a nightmare. With predators such as the goblin shark, the knifetooth dogfish and the viper dogfish lurking in the shadows, you might be right. It gets creepier still. Some of the sharks that live …

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Are you afraid of the dark? Are you afraid of sharks? If, so you might think that the cold, dark depths of the deep-sea would be a nightmare. With predators such as the goblin shark, the knifetooth dogfish and the viper dogfish lurking in the shadows, you might be right. It gets creepier still. Some of the sharks that live down here have come up with an incredible way to go about their pitch black business. Some of the sharks down here can….glow in the dark.

By Christopher Bird (@SharkDevocean)

The deep-sea becomes a fireworks display with a diverse range of bioluminescent creatures.
The deep-sea becomes a fireworks display of light with a diverse range of bioluminescent creatures.

Some estimates suggest that 80-90% of all deep-sea creatures can produce their own light, in a process called bioluminescence. If you thought the deep-sea was a dark, lifeless expanse, think again. The diverse range of crabs, squid, jellyfish and fish emitting light must make the deep-sea look more like a scene from Star Wars than anything earth bound. Most of these creatures use light in one of three ways:

  1. To avoid being eaten.
  2. To acquire food through attracting prey.
  3. To communicate with members of same species.
Figure from Claes & Mallefet 2010 highlighting photophore excitement in the velvet belly lantern shark
Photophore excitement in the velvet belly lantern shark. Figure from Claes & Mallefet 2010

How it works:

Light organs, called photophores (in latin; light carrier), can work in one of two ways. Some fish harness the light produced by symbiotic bacterium that they engulf (passive), while others are able to produce their own light through internal chemical reactions. The deep-sea sharks, however, use a different method all together.

The black regions on this velvet belly lantern shark are covered in light emitting organs called photophores
The black regions on this velvet belly lantern shark are covered in light emitting organs called photophores.

Shark System:

Deep-sea sharks use a combination of hormones and neurotransmitters. Hormones melatonin and prolactin are responsible for short-term glows (20-60 mins) and long term glowing (several hours), respectively. Some species of lantern shark even go as far as to have bizarre hair-like skin denticles to maximise light emittance (It gives them an almost furry feel, nawhhhhh).

The denticles of many lantern sharks are hair-like to allow maximum light release.
The denticles of many lantern sharks are hair-like to allow maximum light release.

The Sharks:

There are only two families of deep-sea sharks that are able to glow in the dark. They are the Kitefin sharks (Dalatiidae) and (as the name suggests) the Lantern sharks (Etmopteridae). These two groups account for about 12% of all described shark species (>50 species). These small deep-sea sharks are incredibly diverse and can be found in all of the world’s oceans, apart from polar seas (a little too cold for these guys it would seem).

Pygmy shark (top) and cookie cutter shark (bottom) belong to the family of Kitefin sharks, Dalatiidae. Image: Symbz
Pygmy shark (top) and cookie cutter shark (bottom) belong to the family of Kitefin sharks, Dalatiidae. Image: Symbz


The majority of photophores are concentrated on the underside of the shark and it is now understood that they are used for camouflage. Now you may be thinking it seems counterintuitive to use light in the darkness of the deep-sea for camouflage; surely any light omitted would be like a flashing light for a free dinner. The opposite is true however.

Counter-illumination obliterates the silhouette of sharks outline from downwelling light from surface. Image: Rudolf Svensen
Counter-illumination obliterates the silhouette of sharks outline from downwelling light from surface. Image: Rudolf Svensen

Whilst the deep sea is relatively dark, residual light can still be seen penetrating from above. Using a process called “counter-illumination”, sharks are able to obliterate their silhouette from this residual down-welling light, thus making them invisible to predators from below (Its almost like an invisibility cloak for sharks).

Seen from below, counter-illumination would make glowing sharks invisible against downwelling light. Image: Jerome Mallefet
Seen from below, counter-illumination would make glowing sharks invisible against downwelling light. Image: Jerome Mallefet.

Now here is where, at least I think, it gets even more interesting. The light produced from the photophores is of a relatively constant intensity. But Chris, how do the sharks stay camouflaged when light levels change? Great question, you inquisitive reader; it has been hypothesised that these sharks will actually migrate to different depths throughout the day to match their own light with that of the environment. This means that during the day, at high levels of light, these glow-in-the-dark sharks will have to be at deeper depths to remain camouflaged. They will then migrate to shallower depths at night to remain cryptic…crafty little ninja sharks!!

Some species of lantern shark may vertical migrate ensuring that their light matches that of the environment throughout the day. Image: Rudolf Svensen
Some species of lantern shark may vertical migrate ensuring that their light matches that of the environment throughout the day. Image: Rudolf Svensen

Other uses:

For the majority of kitefin sharks, photophores only serves as camoflauge. There is however an exception to this case, but more on that later. The lantern sharks, however, display a more complex and diverse range of photophore zonation and pattering.

Figure from Claes & Mallefet 2014
Lantern sharks display additional complex patterning of bioluminescence. Figure from Claes et al 2014.
  1. ID lights: The presence and distribution of glowing cells on the side of the shark is unique to that species (“la” in image below). This has lead scientists to believe that these glowing strips are used to help sharks identify members of the same species.
  2. Glowing genitals: In some species of lantern shark, the photophores associated with the genitals, help sharks identify members of the opposite sex (“ie” in image below). Very useful when trying to have procreative sex in the dark!
  3. Love handles: A light strip on the pectoral fins (“Pe” in image below) of females helps males bite down and latch on during copulation. This minimises the amount of fumbling around.
  4. LIGHTSABERS!! Light organs are located on the dorsal fin (“SAPs” in image below) behind transparent dorsal fin spines. The now glowing lightsabers, I mean fin spines, act as a visual deterrent for any potential predation attempts.
Photophores on dorsal fins turn fin spines into lightsabers. Figure from Claes et al 2013
Photophores on dorsal fins turn fin spines into lightsabers. Figure from Claes et al 2013

 The mysterious dog collar

The cookie cutter shark (Isistius brasiliensis), like other members of the Dalatiidae family, only has photophores on its underside. Unlike other counter-illuminating sharks however, the cookiecutter has a banded area near its “neck” that is devoid of light emitting cells. The dark area is often referred to as a “dog-collar” due to its appearance. Now, for some time, this area has been speculated to act as a prey attractant. By splitting up it’s glowing regions into two groups, large predatory fish would be attracted to the shark. The cookie cutter could then bite onto the “predator” and leave it’s distinctive cookie-like hole, tagged on its side. This has recently been brought into question though.

Cookie cutter shark dark "dog collar" is an area void of photophores. Image: NOAA
Cookie cutter shark dark “dog collar” is an area void of photophores that is probably used in social interactions. Image: NOAA

The usual prey items of the cookie cutter are megafauna such as whales, dolphins, seals and tuna. These large animals are either filter-feeders, and would thus not be attracted to a smaller glowing “fish”, or are of a large enough size that breaking the glowing region up into two pieces would be unimportant. It is now thought that this “dog collar” may actually be used as a form of social recognition among cookie cutters.

Velvet belly lantern sharks are often caught as by-catch in many trawl and long-line fisheries
Velvet belly lantern sharks are often caught as by-catch in many trawl and long-line fisheries

So, just when you thought sharks couldn’t get more fascinating, the deep-sea glow-in-the-dark sharks show us how much more badass they can be. Deep-sea sharks generally get less attention than their larger, shallow cousins. Can a white shark glow in the dark? No! Does a tiger shark use lightsabers to fend off predators? No! And do hammerheads have glowing genitals? Errr No!

Don't forget about the glowing dogfish of the deep! Image: Hakon
BOOOOO!! Don’t forget about the glowing dogfish of the deep! Image: Hakon

So next time you think about sharks, of course think about the large pelagic/coastal species (they are amazing in their own right) but maybe give the fascinatingly diverse groups of glowing deep sea sharks a thought. With this new found love for glow in the dark sharks, I’m expecting big things from fancy dress and pumpkin carving this Halloween!

Christopher Bird

Twitter: @Shark Devocean

N.B. Any image not taken by myself has been credited and hyperlinked to source.

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