photo mosaic – Exploring our Oceans Exploring our Oceans Sun, 24 Jan 2021 12:44:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 122657446 Padlet activity summary! Fri, 07 Feb 2014 13:51:28 +0000 Hello everyone! Week 1 is drawing to a close, and we have been so touched by the response to our padlet activity that we wanted to show you how many wonderful pictures had been uploaded. We currently have jus over 1000 images you have shared, and we wanted to be able to display them all as a summary image, so …

The post Padlet activity summary! appeared first on Exploring our Oceans .

Hello everyone!

Week 1 is drawing to a close, and we have been so touched by the response to our padlet activity that we wanted to show you how many wonderful pictures had been uploaded. We currently have jus over 1000 images you have shared, and we wanted to be able to display them all as a summary image, so here is a photo mosaic from all your images! You can click on the imageĀ for a link to a zoomable version, you should be able to make it full screen by clicking on the square image on the bottom right (once you are in the mosaically website) and see if you can find your picture!

Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 13.42.23
Exploring Our Oceans Padlet map

Thank you again for so many of you taking part, and from all of us here on the MOOC team, we hope you continue to enjoy the course! Next weeks materials will be available on monday morning, when we get stuck into some physical oceanography! As with this week, please do use the forums to ask questions or if you need further explanation, and remember you can revisit the course materials at any time.

See you on the forums!



The post Padlet activity summary! appeared first on Exploring our Oceans .

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