Severn Barrage – Exploring our Oceans Exploring our Oceans Sun, 24 Jan 2021 12:44:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 122657446 Severn Barrage Vote Fri, 14 Feb 2014 19:56:46 +0000 Good Evening MOOCers! Our most popular discussion this week has focussed on the proposed tidal barrage for the River Severn. Topical and controversial, this plan has been debated for over 30 years, though its first proposal was in 1849, and at the moment, has stalled. The most recent plan was that proposed by Halfren in 2013, an improved version of …

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Good Evening MOOCers!

Our most popular discussion this week has focussed on the proposed tidal barrage for the River Severn. Topical and controversial, this plan has been debated for over 30 years, though its first proposal was in 1849, and at the moment, has stalled. The most recent plan was that proposed by Halfren in 2013, an improved version of their 2010 plans, however the project has never been given the green light, largely due to the environmental impact.

A number of alternatives have been proposed, the wikipedia page is particularly good for an overview. Undoubtedly, this country needs renewable power, through climate change and rising fossil fuel prices, we need to adjust how we generate our energy, and ensure a sustainable supply for the next 50-100 years. However, the wetlands in the Severn Estuary are valuable, and rare in this country, should we sacrifice these for the sake of “clean” energy?

In order to gauge the general MOOC opinion on this topic, we invite you to: “This house believes the Severn Barrage should be built”. The article linked in the MOOC can be found here, and contains the most up to date plans. The vote based on the cross-Severn plans proposed, that would generate 20000 jobs and 5% of the UK energy needs at the expense of the wetland habitats which would be significantly altered.

You should be able to select one of the options below from most internet enabled devices, the vote closes next friday, the 21st february.



The post Severn Barrage Vote appeared first on Exploring our Oceans .

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