Comments on: A day on water and a day in the lab Shipwrecks and Submerged Worlds: Maritime Archaeology Tue, 16 Mar 2021 15:17:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: llsi012 Thu, 14 Mar 2019 04:31:11 +0000 Really good information on water survey. Thanks for sharing your wonderful experience here with us. The equipment were quite effective and we can see the hard work of people behind this survey. Surely you had a great time and experience. This is very inspiring for others.
Shallow water survey

By: Crystal El Safadi Tue, 22 Mar 2016 10:08:30 +0000 Hi Arie, thanks for your comment. True the structure scan is a very good equipment for surveying and straightforward to use. It definitely requires more practice as all other equipment in order to get the best results.

By: Arie de Lange Sat, 19 Mar 2016 11:04:52 +0000 Hallo Crystal

To learn the Lowrance structure scan is one day not enough.
I have the same equipment in mij 17 ft boat and have make lots sailing on the Nort Sea searching of shipwrecks.
After a lot of practice i know what I mutst do.
You can do such a lot opportunities as screenshots and sonar logs.
I dont know how deep you was scanning but hier in the Dutch waters I make scans from wrecks in
43 meters of water. Thats my hobby ! Not diving but searching for nice screenshots
Now I used it for three years and have lots of sonarlogs and screenshots.
The sonarlogs send I to Lowrance Insight Genesis and get it back as maps with information of dephts
bottom composition and vegatation,
Now I worked for the Dutch Department of Waterways and Public Works as volunteer for information about shipwrecks near the south West coast of Holland, in the province of Zeeland and Cultural Maritime Heritage Agency of the Netherlands.


By: Crystal El Safadi Thu, 25 Jun 2015 13:52:45 +0000 Hi Peter, unfortunately the course I was on at UU was a one off and for specific reasons. They’re not in a position at present to offer such training.I do think however that whether you are in a university setting or not, if you have an understanding of the tools and software at hand, their functionalities and clear purpose of their use, then yes of course you can develop your own expertise. It takes dedicated time, practice, and exposure to other works in the field. Feel free to drop me an email, if you want further info from UU then I can pass on to you their contact.

By: Peter Elliott Wed, 24 Jun 2015 19:31:07 +0000 Crystal, I was very interested in your blog entry ‘a day on water, and a day in the lab’, as what you describe is what I need! I have a particular interest in trying to generate 3D images of the sea bed in shallow water environments (in Strangford Lough), and I need to learn more on how to use the now widely available technology to acquire the data, and then how to use GIS and other software to manipulate it into something that can produce the images. Do you think such capabilities are within the reach of someone like me, in a non-university setting? Does the University of Ulster run courses similar to the short course you were on, that might be available to an amateur like me? Do you know if there is anyone I should contact in UU?
