Ammandeep Mahal – Shipwrecks and Submerged Worlds Shipwrecks and Submerged Worlds: Maritime Archaeology Thu, 25 Apr 2019 15:48:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 70120278 Meet the team: Ammandeep Mahal Thu, 28 May 2015 17:00:49 +0000 (BSc Hons Archaeology, University of Nottingham; MSc Hons Maritime Archaeology, University of Southampton). My passion for archaeology stems from my travels; in Asia, Africa and Europe, I have acquired a taste of the richness of different cultures and traditions. I wanted to understand how these amazing cultures developed over the centuries and provide us with the diversity that we see …

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Ammandeep Mahal(BSc Hons Archaeology, University of Nottingham; MSc Hons Maritime Archaeology, University of Southampton).

My passion for archaeology stems from my travels; in Asia, Africa and Europe, I have acquired a taste of the richness of different cultures and traditions. I wanted to understand how these amazing cultures developed over the centuries and provide us with the diversity that we see in the modern world. My undergraduate archaeology course opened my mind to the intriguing relics of the ancient world and to the study of artefacts and physical remains to gain insight into the past. It was however my involvement, in the underwater excavation of a 17th century shipwreck that sparked passion for maritime archaeology.

I am fascinated by the wealth of information that lies, preserved, underwater. Over the last year, my MSc course has not only given me a firm foundation in the field of maritime archaeology, it has also been extremely enjoyable and fulfilling, prompting me to want to continue my research and undertake a PhD. Having worked with the artefact collections of 17th century shipwrecks, held at the National Museum of Bermuda for both my undergraduate and masters’ dissertations, I am now expanding on this research. Bermuda is a unique example as its waters hold a vast database of shipwrecks of differing cultures. I am currently exploring this resource in order to learn more about the maritime exploits of 17th century England.

The Shipwrecks and Submerged World’s course really is a great introduction to the intriguing field that is maritime archaeology. I greatly look forward to all of your comments and feedback over the next few weeks and wish you all fair winds and following seas as you chart this course.

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