Fraser Sturt – Shipwrecks and Submerged Worlds Shipwrecks and Submerged Worlds: Maritime Archaeology Thu, 25 Apr 2019 15:48:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 70120278 Fraser Sturt – a short biography Thu, 03 Jul 2014 08:00:17 +0000 Hello, I am Fraser Sturt and I am one of the educators on the Shipwrecks and   Submerged Worlds course. I am a maritime archaeologist with specialisms in prehistory, geoarchaeology and advanced computational techniques. Essentially I am interested in how people’s relationship with the world’s oceans and seas has changed through time; from the impact of changing sea-levels on population and resource distribution through …

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Hello, I am Fraser Sturt and I am one of the educators on the Shipwrecks and   Submerged Worlds course. I am a maritime archaeologist with specialisms in prehistory, geoarchaeology and advanced computational techniques. Essentially I am interested in how people’s relationship with the world’s oceans and seas has changed through time; from the impact of changing sea-levels on population and resource distribution through to the connections  created through seafaring. Answering questions related to these themes is complex, requiring knowledge of a variety of techniques and an ability to work both on land and underwater.  This means that my job never gets dull, and that the questions I am interested in are relevant across the globe, and have significance for how we think about the present and future, as well the past.

While my passion is for understanding the changes which occurred both socially and culturally in North West Europe over the last 12,000 years (particularly in the period 12,000 – 4000 years ago) and the amazing potential of submerged landscapes, I am increasingly interested in how changes over this period played out in other regions.  Recently this has seen me working on the pacific coasts of South and North America. I’ll also admit to a creeping interest in earlier periods (the submerged Palaeolithic landscapes of North West Europe), as well as shipwrecks…


The other important part of my job at the University of Southampton is teaching undergraduates and postgraduates about maritime archaeology and geoarchaeology. I currently coordinate the MA/MSc in Maritime Archaeology and supervise a number of PhDs on maritime, geoarchaeological and prehistoric themes.

If you’d like to read about one of my current research projects you can follow me on twitter (@FSturt),  or take a look at the Neolithic Stepping Stones website, run in conjunction with Duncan Garrow at the University of Reading.

I am looking forward to hearing peoples’ thoughts and ideas on the course!

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